Severing views of your history

Undesirable situations in your present are simply perceptions. They are grounded in a belief about history. The more you dwell on and share painful stories, the more you add energy to negative feelings and cement a sense of the past. The essence of being exists beyond them.
Consider an idea that Carlos Castaneda's teacher, the Nagual Don Juan, told him about what one requires to arrive at the highest level of peace and harmony:
"One day," he said, "I finally realized that I no longer needed a personal history, and just like drinking, I gave it up, and that, and only that, has made all the difference."
Whatever happened in your past is simply a belief. Watch what happens as you shift attention from that kind of perception To focus on the present is to know the past is imagined into being. You exert control over how you feel. Use this time you have to your advantage.
Sever those experiences ona teimline that evoke restlessness and discomfort. Let them go such that they no longer control you. Focus on feeling good where you are and know everything emerges based on how you feel. As you love everything. Life is perfect. The more you encourage, the more you enrich the world. Mind invites youto focus attention on the future, tells you the best is yet to come. The heart feels the best is here. Now choose.