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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in change (53)


Do not fix what is not broken

The reflection of your world is changing based on how you interact and experience everything.  Notice where change is possible in your life.  What do you radiate out, through you? To go within is to reconnect with the divine connection.  The truth of who you are is peering back at you.  Right now, you experience aprocess that lets you know if you are out of alignment so you choose to re-align.

Ask yourself why you are prompted to fix what is not broken, to feel that something about you requires improvement? What if you let go of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that judge you to be less than you are?  Those things you see in the mirror reflect directly about your self-esteem and degree of self-acceptance.  To assume you are too something or not enough, is a misplaced belief you can change.

From the moment you stop exerting effort to be you, you stop pushing against the current.  You realize it is not necessary to go upstream to experience peace and to reconnect with who you are.  This is effortless.  You may forget you cannot help but be you. Let go of what people tell you that you should be, of those things you are conditioned to want.  Be receptive to Cosmic Synchronicity.


How does external change empower you?

Changes you perceive around actually you teach you a lot about the self. Yet, not everyone recognize the benefits are far-reaching. What you choose to perceive outside yourself is gradually preparing you to accept far-reaching inner changes.  Consider how perception of external change empowers you;

1) Changing weather encourages versatility.  While growing up, you may have gotten used to predictable seasons, temperatures, and associated activities. You would expect to wear certain kinds of clothing at certain periods of the year.  As weather patterns change more abruptly, some geographic places experience temperatures typical of of 3-4 seasons in a day.  Climate change promotes foresight, adaptability and resourcefulness throughout a perceived calendar year.

2) Shifts in societal focus mirror inner changes. People remark on shifts in the economy and in societal structures that no longer appear to be working. In other words, values and principles are evolving. This draws attention to conditioned belief systems that people sense they are beginning to outgrow.  Deconditioning is a process that prompts people to bring fears about change to the surface.  You quietly prepare to redefine a sense of security and replace fear with unconditional love.  When and how this process unfolds is totally up to you.

3) Perception of time is changing. Notice the kinds of changes around you that capture your attention. These are not the same kinds of events that focused your mind before now.  Each event that stands out reminds you that what has happened or, what may happen, is less relvant than where you are. That is, what you perceive as priorities shift with your consciousness of what is happening. How are psychological time and fears losing relevance and power over you?


Empty that cup of tea

Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!"

"Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?"


8 Ways to reframe everything

It is said the Source of all energy has given everyone and everything the insight to live in harmony. Everyone has all they require, yet does not necessarily choose to recognize this.  Why do people selectively forget these core teachings? What steps are you taking to uncover them and transform?

1) Be willing to undo or change how you think and feel.

2) Know ways to perceive exist other than what you now use.

3) Retrieve original teachings imprinted in heart and soul.

4) Learn not to judge anrd everse spiritual deficiency.

5) Listen to intuition to tap into unseen worlds and energy.

6) Train the mind  to remove the meaning you give everything.

7) Apply all thoughts and feelings universally or dissolve them.

8) Read A Course in Miracles (ACIM).  See things as they are.

"Humans have the ability to shift perspective. We can experience the world through our senses. Or we can remove ourselves from our senses and experience the world even less directly. We can think about our life, rather than thinking in our life. We can think about what we think about our life, and we can think about what we think about that. We can shift perceptual positions many times over." - John Emerick


How does an NDE change you?

Near-death-experience (NDE) is an offbeat phenomenon that perplexes some people, intrigues or scares others. A spirit dimension  can be hard to believe.  Many humans do not see.  Not everyone realizes to what degree fear controls the mind.

If the mind tells you to seek proof for things, then you may not grasp reasons you resist or distrust. To sense unseen worlds exist means you sense they are guided by their own principles, laws, and values.  You alter how you choose to think and feel.

Regardless of whether you recall having an NDE yourself, experiencers are teachers.  You learn what you are ready to accept.  How does the NDE concept or experience change you?

1) Returning souls relax more and surrender to the inevitable.

2) They sense limitless possibilities remain unacknowledged.

3) When you think you want turns out to be irrelevant.

4) It is never too late to return to physical life or to change.

5) A place beyond what you know is always waiting for you.

6) Suddenly, the fear of death inside you no longer exists.

7) You choose to live life to the fullest, in time you are given. 

8) Cooperation rather than competition makes a loving point.

9) Browing knowledge and sharing it matters. This stays in you.

10) Love is the answer. Convert this truism to living truth.