5 Hidden things you seek

Ever ask why you wish to be happy? why you associate happiness with doing particular things or being with particular people? Ever reflect on the underlying motivation to get from here to there or become truly fulfilled? Consider 5 hidden things you seek that all else is pointing to;
1. to feel on a deeper level
You may want a new career, a car, stronger or more intimate relations, a course training or qualification, a sum of money, to buy a home, be a parent, be debt-free, or realize another dream. Whatever it is, the journey to creating it helps you grow. You savor moments of happiness and then, want more. Anything you think you want, whatever object or situation jumps into mind, you are drawn to the feeling evoked by the thought of having it. What you really want are manifestations that reflect feelings of security, comfort, safety, acceptance and completeness. As you come to question all your wants, something deeper pulls you.
2. to get beyond self-concern
Initially, it may seem the key to happiness is to obtain new credentials, roles or experiences, but every desire is a pointer to what drives it. Ask why your focus is often on what's next? The urge to climb a hierarchy, be a leader, create and expand on identity, all arises if you suffer from an inferiority complex, grounded in sense of lack and neediness. To be free of this complex requires you not only see what drives self-concern, but also see how behavioural and cognitive approaches that are purely about affirmations and how the conscious mind thinks do not deal with the unconscious and the power of the superconscious mind. People want a quick fix for restlessness without investigating the deeper why. This does not require them to see the root or deal with unconscious anxieties. Visualizing life shifts, taking a pill or getting a new role, are temporary measures and do not get you permanently beyond self-concern.
3. to be truly empowered
No shortcuts exist to getting fully beyond the ego's grasp. Mantras, affirmations and magical instruments are not the answer. They do not bring real empowerment. Embrace a hero's journey. Only by making inner demons conscious and defeating them are you free from blowback effects of unconscious forces. They keep you secretly feeling small, limited to ego perception and understanding, at the mercy of the demands of internal and external others, (what the entire social system is based on). This state of lack and sense of internal fear, desire and neediness, does not allow you to know what real love is. Only by transcending the ego does the real power of love grow accessible.
4. to know conscious surrender
You are gaining insight into unconscious and conscious surrender. You can go into unconcious surrender in every aspect of life. This is the power of being doing everything to us. Feelings, emotions, thoughts happen to us. This is the very understanding of what s taking place. The ego does not wish to surrender and the being does not have to surrender. Once you understand, you know there is only one will. There is not his will, her will, their will and God's will. There is only one will, the divine or that which is. Face the unreality of who you thought you were and disssolve all of that to find the truth of the supreme real that is not thinkable, imaginable conceivable in any way. It comes from a level of consciousnes beyond your ability to grasp or control or to know that you can only surrender in absolute humility.
5. to unveil the ultimate
Most people have a fear of not living life to the fullest. Those who want to love and to be loved suffer the most because they resist letting people and experiences in that echo this. It hits there is no limit to the quest for expansion which is also unending quest for love. The key is to stop resisting life. The moment you use a word to describe what drives you, a concept is created. The feeling of being in love, complete inner security and safety is bliss beyond words. Being in love with "it" is being home but still growing, expanding into more of yourself. Every vision you have and experience you create is a hidden quest to receive and share love in new forms. Life is then an experiment in getting to know and understand yourself. Every experience here is valuable. Unveiling the ultimate allows a new sense of direction and fulfillment to reveal itself.