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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Unleash the dragon within

(Image credit: Orestes de Armas Centeno)

Notice if you have ever travelled anywhere, near or far, chances are you know what its like to take things you never need and later wonder why you did.
Excess baggage echoes our fears, the fear of not having enough, or the right stuff, not meeting our needs. Fears weigh us down. Its common to judge some personal experience as negative. Fear of history repeating can influence how we respond to life, people, situations. Often, the dead weight feels like part of us.
Just like a backpacker carrying stuff that is not needed or serves no real purpose, the universe is nudging us to let go of things, thoughts, emotions, memories. Then true being shines. People in our lives do not see the real us, the best of us, if we hang onto what no longer serves us. Maybe it used to but we can change.
Maybe it is time to do what many travellers end up doing along the way during a long walk. Unpack our overloaded personal backpacks, all that we outgrow yet hang onto 'just in case'. Engage in your own inner inventory. Examine each item honestly. Only as lessons are learned can situations change. Decluttering our lives is a step toward decluttering the mind. Lighten the load.
Turns out, I recall climbing up Kazakhstan mountains with far too much stuff. I had told myself I took what I needed for different purposes on a 6 week trip through different countries. Before long, I gifted 2 of my 3 bags away. Not only was the sky clear to observe stars that night, but my mind got a little clearer. Now the more I travel, the less I take.
Admittedly, letting things go can be hard. Value is so subjective. Sometimes we believe that we are not whole without a given thing, situation, relationship. Once we have the courage to set certain things free, an incredible lightness arises.
The analogy of the alchemist and the dragon's egg rings true. To discover real freedom is about unleashing the inner dragon, the dragon within. The symbolism of a dragon egg is a reminder to acknowledge our inner potential, be open to big change, embrace our spiritual journey. We are each in process of an unforeseen metamophosis and self-discovery. Letting go of what we thought was important at another stage of life is how we navigate challenges and evolve consciousness.



Feel the wave of energy

Notice if you ride a wave of energy that no longer motivates or captivates or nourishes your soul, and you are losing momentum, then a simple shift in vibration will bring you into resonance with compatible swirls or streams of consciousness. True, lasting shifts require letting go or disidentification with waves of existence that stagnate or no longer serve our soul growth. Energies are like wave options that seem to flow in different directions, present in varied colours, textures, patterns, frequencies, temperatures.
Come what may, it is always possible to see beyond the drama, the jungle of emotions, apparent chaos or confusion. Simply step back from the personal to the universal. Dare to integrate valuable lessons, depersonalize events and refocus on energy flow. Be in awe of the bigger picture. Divine grace removes layers of complexity and illusion. From an energetic standpoint, the key is to go with the natural flow, heed the heart or intuition wherever it leads us.



Be the light unto yourself  

Notice everyone has the innate ability to create something precious, meaningful. Deep down, Soul knows this and also perfect timing. So, when a cement block appears in our lives, we may initially assume its ugly rock or a metaphor for what prevents us from moving ahead, realizing potential. We may think Higher Self misunderstood our secret wish for freedom, joy, aliveness. Yet, sometimes an idea is too big to move or manifest instantly. The process is what unleashes us.
When we least expect it, the voice of a sculptor emerges from within us. This co- creator will not permit us to destroy what he says we asked for. We're about to have something valuable, wonderful in our midst. What part of us sees as a frustrating mental or physical block, the visionary sees very differently.
Turns out, as the confused mind patiently tolerates the sculptor, the mind slowly begins to understand. The sculptor didn't see a block of cement at all. He saw art! He proceeded to remove all of the cement that didn't belong around the art. The sculptor "saw" inside the rock. Something beautiful emerges in the block. With a flash of light, the sculptor transforms. He becames part of us, taking his place within attributes that make us whole. He is like a soul mate, a spiritual twin-flame, and a wise advisor to help us see the light within ourselves.
Curiously, we never ask the "separate" sculptor's name. It dawns, that is an aspect of true being. Not only do we receive the manifestation we wish for, but we also get an active wisdom guide. This is about expanding perception. Perhaps what is unseen is essential for true seeing, and what gets subtracted or let go from distorted reality is what allows for miracles. We are the light unto ourselves.



Astonish Yourself

Notice the deeper we go within into the nature of our pain and suffering, the more astonished we are to find nothing but Love. To find no-thing, is to see fear is illusion. Our intrinsic value is felt in nothingness. This is not a vacuum or a void. Turns out, the black hole is the portal or gateway to recall and unleash our limitless potential. The loudest voice arises in the natural state of silence.
Every emotion arising in us points to our own projected reality, not to anything independent of our own mind. The most startling revelations empower us to activate and live in higher awareness.
Everything that seems to be happening to us is only appearing on the screen of our own consciousness. To know this is to fear nothing, know we are in essence, untouchable. As reality is observed through this lens, it dawns that suffering is a catalyst to deepen our own humility, compassion, quiet grace and dignity.
Freedom arises as external acceptance no longer matters. We find relief from the mind as we see through our pain, stop making choices to make others comfortable. Transmutation evokes feeling uneasy, but falling apart is a stage of awakening to our own beauty. Pain is physical and suffering is mental. Each is a teacher guiding us to find comfort in our vulnerabilty and live wholeheartedly.
The secret is to love ourselves fully as we are right now, instead of loving the idea of other people loving a different version of us. Come what may, truth is, we deserve self-love, the understanding we are worthy of our own self-respect. Inner strength and resilience grow as we consciously realize the truth for ourselves in practice. Let go.



Access more joy 

Notice for some, joy may seem out of reach or not experienced regularly in daily life. What is your experience of happiness for no reason, that which is embodied, open, energetic, alive? Does anything arise? Were these passing states? Is it just a state you imagine when you feel stressed and seek to get somewhere else? What is required to tap into it as an enduring part of our Being? How often do we celebrate simply Being right where we are, come what may? How often do we sense beauty and tenderness? Aliveness and openness grow more accessible as we open and value the whole of existence. Its like shifting awareness from viewing life as a problem to solve, into seeing life a mystery to experience. Do we feel obligated to feel joy or is it spontaneous? In the same way, to commit to realize full potential, empathize with the suffering to around us makes us feel more connected to our world. It is also part of our commitment to being whole to feel open to loving the world as it is. As we cultivate presence, this natural capacity within each of us, we actually cultivate paths for joy. Being open to light-heartedness happens as we pay attention and cherish all of existence. The quality of life is experienced in proportion to allowing our capacity for delight to guide us. This is a gift we give ourselves as we pay attention. Joy happens. It arises from the simple experiences; jumping into piles of leaves, tuning into the scent of a flower, the wind blowing on our face, a snowflake landing on the tongue, the taste of a strawberry. The experience of joy is so-life giving that it feels natural to find joy in everything from sunrise to sunset and all that unfolds in between.