Know you are worth it

Form the moment we fuel our dreams with a mystical force, we are living as if we are worth realizing our visions and dreams. This takes shape as heartfelt trust. It is imperative to live as if we deserve and embody what the mind tells us we are working toward. We must be the change we wish to see and feel. Unconscious conditioning might be temporarily holding us back.
We are either driven by a mental focus on perfectionism, logic and a dualistic connection or, by a focus on soul love and self- appreciation. When we forget to love ourselves, moment-to-moment, we manage this though self-sabotage, denial, co-dependence and other unconscious addictions. Notice whether we are critical and shaming about ourselves or whether we are willing to snap out of it, love ourselves fully in this moment and live more consciously, the best we can.
Even now, it is possible to be fully present with our true selves. What does this mean for you? The soul is our ever-present support system we can live by to rise above illusions and to help us see through the mind games we play. Growing aware of who we are and what is possible requires self-acceptance. How is this arise? Well, its about diving deep, being with all the emotions rising within ourselves the best we can, knowing we are enough. How do we get here? Affirmations are helpful. We benefit from reminding ourselves we are amazing, exquisite, talented, beautiful, gifted and perfect as is. Are you ready to receive compliments?
Turns out, positive affirmations are not the ultimate way to find yourself and feel better right where you are. Breathwork is a useful tool on the journey to deeper self awareness and self-love. It is one avenue to get in touch with fragemented parts of your soul or shadow self, so these may enter your conscious awareness for healing and integration. Every process is unique and divinely timed. Know you are worth it.