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Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in empowerment (37)


5 Ways Breathwork empowers us

People increasingly ask about breathwork psychotherapy, what it is exactly, and how it can empower people to shift perception, energy levels, paradigms, timelines, and ultimately, life conditions.  Consider 5 ways breathwork is a tool that empowers us:

1. It empowers us to make the unconscious, conscious

Its one thing for someone to tell us something.  Its quite another to experience it for ourselves. Breathwork has completely shifted how I see myself and the world, and shows me the language of the breath reveals how we each breathe life into stories. When someone suggests an idea or speaks from experience, we can choose to believe it or not.  As we tune into ourselves, sense something is off, we may not know exactly what, but we are always guided to uncover what we are ready to see.  Breathwork empowers us to flow as energy to make unconscious emotional trauma conscious.  Thus, we see through misperceptions and feel everything, so we can let go.

2. It enables us to breathe our way to clarity

Different breathing techniques exist that draw our attention to our own rhythm and where it originates, in the present moment. When ready, each of us can recall how to read our breath like a horoscope. Ask yourself what leaves you breathless, when you feel light-headed, why you get the 'wind knocked out of you,' and where you are prompted to breathe deeply.  Every breathing rhythm emits a vibration that echoes specific emotions.  Knowing this helps us understand if we are approaching or getting further away from something. Notice the spectrum of feelings and emotions, from fear and anxiety to peace and joy, and how each vibration is sharpening or obscuring clarity.  As we master the power of the breath now, we know we exist neither in past or future.  It is being the breath that effortlessly allow events to unfold right where we are.

3. It guides us to shift models of reality 

Getting in touch with breathing rhythms empowers us to grow aware of dis-empowering models of reality as well as our unconscious decisions that cause them. As the result, we can empower ourselves to accelerate huge life changes. We cannot begin to imagine the profound impact and far-reaching implications of stepping into more of our hidden personal power. We can reclaim what we unknowingly give away.   Whatever we believe to be true comes true until we see through and transcend our own misplaced perceptions. We unconsciously give meaning to every experience and adopt distorted models of reality until ready to upgrade them.

4.  It enables us to release suppressed energy

Rather than taking pills, or engaging in unhealthy patterns or habits to suppress emotions, breathwork is one process which enables us to access underlying reasons for stuckness and release it, permanently.  What's inspiring is how fast and powerful transformations are.  Breathwork raises awareness of and enables us to consciously shift energy.  We can combine (compliment) it with acts of meditation, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness (everyone of everything) and other spiritual practices that guide us to tap into something above or beyond ourselves. Such practices engage us energetically on an authentic feeling level in this moment. Releasing suppressed energy is allows constricted inspiration and genius to flow freely.

5.  It enables us to rewire our brain

Each of us has insight into levels of happiness.  Yet much of our conditioning focuses our attention to stress, anxiety, depression, fear and instances when are convinced that we are not happy.  Breathwork empowers us to release dense energy so we can refocus our attention on being happy.  From here we naturally feel our way intuitively into choices that feel more exciting, fun, myserious and inspiring. The result is we rewire the brain to visualize and believe in things that intensify these uplifting and energizing energy bursts and flows. 

If this article resonates, contact us for a pre-requisite questionnaire for our 12 week coaching program and also read the insightful Interview With Dan Brule.


5 things to allow you to thrive

Whether unconsciously or during silent contemplation, we regularly ask ourselves what can we do to be truly authentic, more accepting of ourselves and others, and instrumental in expansion or allowing something beyond us to reveal more of the wider Truth. The short answer is it all begins within.  recalibration is ongoing. Although we may not yet consciously experience our innate power in all its facits, there exist things we can do to thrive.  Consider these 5 tips: 

1. Grow aware of disempowering beliefs and replace them with empowering ones

As we do this, we feel and observe the resulting rapid changes that happen in our lives, Changes in conditions only seem to take effort or magic when we do not understand the energetic forces behind them.

2.  Feel and tune into joy as pure energy 

As you choose to be joyful, laugh spontaneously more often and do those things that evoke joy, you constantly revitalze and inspire yourself to create amazing things and enrich this world. 

3. Express what we love about ourselves and others

As we express love openly without fear, we are healing a part of ourselves that never received the attention and appreciation it deserved early in this life and in other lives (if the pattern).  Share how you feel. Be creative and specific about how and what you love.  Say it loud and clear.

4. Realize this is about unlearning more than learning

As it hits thriving is not about doing more, but about letting go of more of the filters that block it, we discover doing less, letting go of control, has a greater impact than we ever thougth possible.

5.  Breathe the way to clarity

The power of the breath and breathwork are often understimated. The pace and rhythm of your breath shares your story of love and fear. Pay attention. The intensity or tranquility of the breath speaks volumes about the degree to which you thive.  Accepting this process is not really about you.  It is an exercise in humility. The human in you is driven by ego wants and desires. Consciousness and a larger reality unfolds without you.  It moves through the breath.  Revelations reveal themselves with perfect timing.


The key to everything

It is often overlooked or forgotten that the key to everything: love, fulfillment, remembering, is healing the relationship with yourself.  Your life purpose, Soul-orientation, the state of your health and well-being, and level of energy all arise as a natural extension of your own clarity. 

When emotional or other energy is blocked, your purpose and ability to manifest it in this lifetime is blocked.  The key to everything is how well you know yourself, uncover, purify, and release core beliefs in practice. Now is the perfect moment to make what drives you and holds you back conscious.  When you are ready to dig deep, rediscover priceless gold, take a leap of faith.  Trust your intuition and contact us about how we can guide you to empower yourself.

"You weren't born a person of cringe and contraction.  You were born as energy, as life, made of the same stuff as the stars, blossoms, breezes.  You learned contraction to survive, but that was then." -Anne Lamotte


Empower yourself

Every experience is an exercise in being empowered. You either choose to engage in invigorating and life-affirming activities or not. Notice talkers and doers exist as well as unmotivated or indecisive people and complainers. Your thoughts, behaviour and whether or not you take action determines whether you consciously empower yourself.

Take a moment to step back and reflect your most appealing vision of yourself. Where are you and what are you doing? How do you see yourself in six months, One year? Three years? Five years?How does it feel to be in these conditions?

Right now, you focus on what you love or shift to focus on obstacles that justify why you are not loving  what you do and all you are. There is a big difference. This is felt by the entire universe and reflected back to you in your direct experience.

Know you have the power to make things happen in your life. How can you commit and get busy doing just this? Be observant of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Notice any discomfort and fatigue and recognize these are pointers to what you are not seeing.  Options reveal themselves.

Contact Dreambuilders Australia about Quantum Coaching Services.


5 Tips to own it

Would you like to see your life shift in a new direction? Would you like to discover and use untapped power? Are you ready to manifest what does not yet appear?Wish to feel different or expand and see everything in a whole new way?

Come what may, you are the owner-operator of your body, and determine how you function. Consulting a life coach is a step toward growing more aware of the truth of yourself and putting this knowing into practice. This is not about WHAT you are told you are but rather, it is about accepting WHO you are and living accordingly. Ponder these 5 tips to own it:

1. Be empowered.

If you do not feel empowered in your life choices, then this is an opportunity for you to grow. Who are you in this unique expression of you? Humans are taught to make complicated that which is simple. You are what you choose and can be anything. As you take personal responsibility for what you feel, lessons present. Life coaching guides you to reframe and appreciate the very things you go through.  A coach that resonates understands and intuits your unique process.

2. Keep a sense of humor.

Many people tend to take life too seriously. People get busy living and forget to really live. Priorities change. A life coach helps you raise awareness of your priorities and how they are shifting. Humour is indispensable, especially as you grow aware of shifting prioirities, values and behaviours that do not jive. Most people allow the external world to control, limit and define them. Come what may, life coaching helps you to reframe and see things with new lightness. Working with a life coach guides you to see your beliefs and emotions distract you from aspects of yourself and reality until you face them.

3. Listen to yourself.

This is about tuning into intuition. It is about being aware of where you doubt your feelings. You produce exactly what you receive. A life coach helps you be aware of vibrational language so you no longer underestimate the power of your thoughts, words, actions. If you are unaware of your body's signals or inclinations, if you never start a project, you cannot experience the dream. From the moment you focus on something, you give it energy. Remembering how to tune in and listen to your own messages changes how dreams manifest. Working with a life coach helps you identify where you are listening to logic or heartfelt vibes. Every moment, you bring your dreams closer or push them away. An intuitive life coach guides you to see and feel everything based on energetics. Every human is an electromagnetic generator. How do you tune in or out, even stifle your own vibes?

4. Recognize balance is ever-present.

Balance is something many people strive for and assume effort and juggling required. Turns out, lifestyle changes come naturally to everyone who is in the flow or aligned with integrity of true being. A life coach is a soundboard to assist you to read your own signs and signals more accurately. Life coaching draws your attention to your own unconscious resistance. This is less about discipline than about letting go of control. Come to tell the difference between what is nurtured and what is natural. Working with a life coach allows you to recognize what contributes to or throws off your natural balance and how you can change anything.

5. Adjust your perception.

Shifts seem to be happening everywhere but this is not about the external world. Its about who you are inside and how your focus is shifting. Its a move from logic and limitation to feeling and limitlessness. Life coaching helps you be aware of what it is to be true to you. To connect and converse with someone impartial can help you shed light on things. Although having the best intentions, family and friends tend to agree with whatever you are thinking or impose their views and choices. Intimates often share personal opinions. A life coach is more neutral and helps you understand you do not see the world as it is, but rather see the world (and yourself) through your filters. A coach that resonates is worldly, encouraging and offers objective guidance on how to handle yourself in different situations. Ultimately, you decide where to go from here, to what degree you are willing to expand perception, and redefine what is possible through your own direct knowing and belief in your own true power.