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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in balance (31)


10 Ways to give Presence

As the festive season or occasions arise, people often offer physical gifts to others.  Another approach is to reflect on priceless gestures that can be offered not only for special occasions, but also to reinforce connection, acceptance and support everyday. For instance, people want to be seen and heard. Rather than offer 'things,' what if giving full attention is an appealing way to go? Consider 10 Ways to give presence as another kind of present:

1.  Practice Mindfulness

Tune into your physical sensations.  Ground yourself in the now. Feel your feet on the ground, the sensations on your fingers and toes. Be open to your environment. Tune into your senses. Be aware of feelings. Actively check in. Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to how other people in your life are doing. Check in on your loved ones. 

2. Listen Closely

Be present to other people.  Validate their thoughts and feelings. Give them your full attention. Listen without thinking. In addition to verbal communication, use multiple forms of nonverbal communication (eyes, body language, nods when appropriate) to let others know you are listening. Limit splitting your attention between the person and technology. It is hard to tune into others or yourself when you are bombarded with distractions. Be present. Listen to intuition. (Refer to The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan & Barbara Pease)

3. Honour Self-care

Meditate. Ask yourself what you want and need right now. During the holidays people get busy. Take time out for you. If overwhelm arises, step back.  Take a break. Notice when you are Hungry, Angry/Anxious, Lonely, or Tired (HALT). If hungry, don’t get angry—eat. If angry, take some space. If anxious, recognize you control how you feel/ respond. If lonely, connect with nourishing and supportive people or pets. If tired, nap.  Focus on your breath. When you're trying your best to focus, simply take steps to recenter self. 

4. Offer Service

Offering service is about being aware of what brings you joy and sharing the joyful vibration in ways that uplift others. In this way, we can engage in self-care and spend time with those who nourishing us, model both an act of self-care and its value.

5. Be Light-hearted

Spend time having fun by yourself or focus on what evokes light-heartedness.   Play outside—stomp on leaves, make a snowball, get a little wet in the rain, get warm when the sun is out. Be present to how others are doing and if they need a little pick-me-up, have a dance party for a song or two.  Limit the time you spend on social media.

6. Create Boundaries

Set good boundaries. No need to always be a “yes” person.  Modelling boundaries is useful for others to see in your life. This time of year, it can be hard to balance yours and others’ needs. Consider your emotional and physical health in the choices you make and actions you take. You can take a pause before responding to a request, especially a text or email. You can think something over. Boundaries are a two-way street; before you ask someone to do something, consider whether you are asking too much. 

7. Show Appreciation

Keep a gratitude journal. Ask others what they are grateful for. Acknowledge what matters to you. Let people know what you are grateful for them. It is okay to be proud of yourself and let others know when you are proud of them. Uplift others, as well as yourself.

8. Be Kind & Compassionate

Reflect on how you would like to be treated. Do them for another and/ or yourself. Don’t always do for others and neglect yourself. Watch what happens as we are kind for no reason. Remember, even when we get angry with someone, we still love them. Tell the closest people in your life often that you love them. Engage in self-love by telling yourself the same. Write post-it notes of kindness as little reminders. Surprise another person by showing you care.

9. Take a Break from Social Media

Recall what life is like without social media. Communicate with others through a call, a text, or a face-to-face visit. Turn off social media for even a few hours. We rely so heavily on social media that it is nice to do things offline too. Consider something completely natural unrelated to tech. 

10. Pay attention to energy

Notice duality is concerned with opposites. They key to everything is to find and align with balance. This happens as energy is the focus. Its insightful to notice our own triggers as well as ups and downs.  These are gifts we give ourselves. Notice in truth, we are more than every colour in every spectrum and every music note in every octave. Meditation is the path to let go of illusions, reclaim territory from the mind. As senses expand, we register new depth and texture, tune into a growing range of vibration, frequency, sound and light. Paradigm shifts echo changes in intensity, perception and expansion of consciousness. To know the nature of energy is to grow conscious of multidimensionality and blossom into new directions to feel more alive. Energy wisdom is the fountain of immortality.


5 Pointers to a satisfying relationship

Creating a good (reciprical) relationship implies learning how to interact with your partner in ways that promote and enhance honest communication while allowing for trust and vulnerability. Becoming skillful at relationships requires both your own inner work and external work (on your partnership).  Consider 5 pointers to nourish a satisfying relationship:

Unconditional Love & Compassion: How to have a satisfying relationship? Some say its key to always put your partner first. Yet, you cannot ignore yourself. Focus on what you are giving and how you are caring in balance with what you are receiving.  Express your needs in a way your partner can understand. If s/he does not get it, this may not be the right person for you.

Absolute Courage and Vulnerability: Love no matter what and commit to absolute truth. Treat someone else as you would have done unto you or treat your partner better to raise the bar on how you would like to be treated. The power of compliments, kind gestures and expressing love is often underestimated. Yet, if this baffles or overwhelms your partner, you may not see eye -to-eye and the relationship may drain rather than energize you.

Know the Truth: This is not about blaming. The key to extraordinary relationships is to know your partner’s soul and never make them wrong. Understand their needs, past hurts, behaviours and patterns. If it resonates, do what you can to satisfy their needs.  Yet, being a good partner in a relationship is also about feeling complete unto yourself without the other person. Know that you cannot satisfy each other's voids, only enrich each other.

Be Honest with yourself: Get conscious and commit to moment-to-moment awareness. Your state, body language, words and actions have a direct and potentially lasting impact on your relationship.

Giving Freedom: The power of forgiving, forgetting is profound. There is a saying: if you give a bird freedom and he comes back, he is yours. If the bird never comes back, he was never yours.  This is not about possession but rather about free will.  Create a safe space for your partner to make honest mistakes and make them feel that they can take comfort in a secure relationship. You cannot force anything. Satisfying relationships arise from giving partners the freedom to value you as you are or move on without imposing guitlt or coersion. 


Decode physical injury

Notice every moment, infinite opportunities exist to ground the soul in this world, to make the unconscious, conscious, reinforce confidence in our abilities. At times, we get bruises from little bumps in life, to our ego/ pride or physical body. Each is a subtle reminder of any lingering self-punishment we are ready to let go.  Recently injured my big toe. Love tuning into intuitive messages.
Almost everyone can relate to unconscious injuries as we cannot consciously self-harm. In life, our feet are on the front line. Sometimes it feels we take two steps forward, three steps back. The spiritual vibe of foot issues refers to current life situation or direction, its like soul reflecting on the nature of the 'right' path.
In the wider world, feet literally carry us through. They support our weight, guide us to find balance, and are the means to ground our soul growth. Physical pain can echo growing pain or resistance to soul growth. If you have ever broken or stubbed toes, twisted an ankle, ripped a ligament, it dawns the physical issue and forced pause is a gift pointing to something else. Level of consciousness echoes what is most relevant to each of us.. There are no accidents, only synchronicities.
As mysterious pain arises, body parts are speaking to us. Our feet allow us to get around. Put one foot in front of the other, and we get somewhere. Physical injury stops us in our tracks, forces us to slow down. If not feet, could be hands, fingers, or another body area. Sometimes we resist changes soul knows are best for us that don’t feel good to ego. Whatever prompts change is a gift. We are invited to savour the blessings in our midst. We may be processing feelings like grief or anger around unwanted change. Maybe you fear not being supported ? Ultimately what matters is trusting, supporting ourselves in our own surrender.
You may wonder if you are asking too much of yourself or pushing self forward when you do not feel ready for something. To question whether we may take on too much responsibility, it may be that we are are ready to redefine responsibility. Such questions we can only answer for ourselves.
Recall the idea that "God never puts us in a situation he doesn't think we cannot handle, though sometimes we wish he didn't trust us so much." The soul and ego are at odds only until it dawns they are both on the path to realize the same thing.
Turns out paradise is not found by resisting discomfort or rejecting unwanted parts of self. We are in process of rewriting eons of false narratives we created and embedded in our bones, muscles, fascia, connective tissue, ligaments, cells. With perfect timing, what are initially viewed as injuries or negative events suddenly echo a healthy energetic recalibration process, so we evolve or rebuild from the inside out, and finally see boundaries and problems only exist in mind.



Captivated by the unknown

Notice in this moment, we never really know what we are in for. Human existence is meant to be challenging. The world can be a perilous place-full of sinkholes, tidal waves, the perfect storms. Yet, existence is also idyllic, beautiful, full of miracles, from the aurora borealis to sunrises and sunsets that take our breath away and bring it back. Its through riding the waves of turmoil, the unexpected highs and lows, the picking ourselves up off the floor or surfacing from the deepest chasm that stretches us, lead us to gasp in amazement. Its when things do not go to plan, when emotions overwhelm, when all seems lost, that our true character and path are revealed. There is bravery in admitting "I am not okay, that I struggle." Accepting this is about loving ourselves and deepening resilience. We can be tough, stoic, and still admit we do not know. Moment-by-moment, we each live a dream, whether we dangle freely, balance with grace or by the skin of our teeth. We hold on not simply for a thrill. We trust who we are, where all this is heading.


Allow harmony to arise

Notice moving within, through and among diverse worlds is more common than often realized. Part of us never sleeps, creating and exploring infinite worlds. As the body sleeps, our consciousness weaves experiences to work out or through what is going on in waking life. In 3-D life, we engage energy consciously or unconsciously as thought and feelings to shift focus among relationships, pets, school, work and varied situations. Each focus echoes point of frequency on our cosmic radio dial. As a body-mind-spirit trinity, it is essential to step back and honestly evaluate the level of true contentment vibration we emit in each focus. Part of expanding consciousness is growing aware of signs and signals we are constantly transmitting. Are you emotionally satisfied and fulfilled in every focus or, is incongruence detected and ignored? Feel energized or drained? Thoughts produce ah-ha moments? Actions deepen connections? Balancing our trinity activates dormant body systems. Silence and stillness offer wisdom. Take moments to immerse in Nature and True Nature. Be open to conscious change. Know its also okay to shift gears spontaneously, let go of a focus energetically and surrender to whatever arises to bring awareness of harmony.