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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in equality (6)


Listen to the pulse of everything

Human beings often question, what is truth? They make choices, generate emotions and accumulate experiences. Sometimes they also ask, to what end? For what purpose?

During extensive hikes through dense, natural habitat, I chose to feel the bark and roots of trees and inhaled natural forest aromas.  I lay down on a rugged beach of eroded pebbles and listened to the pulse of everything.  The wind blew on may face as the waves lapped at the shore. As I empty the mind, certain messages ring true.  Ask yourself how you resonate with this;

1) True peace, love and grace exist within every soul.

2) Peace outside is only found as you reconnect with soul.

3) The centre or Source is everywhere, within everything.

4) Power is not of or within any human being. It is in all.

5) Equality and interdependence restore each living soul.

6) Something beyond comprehension watches over all.  

7) The rhythm in the ground is the same energy above.

8) Where you are is a guide but its never a fixed path.

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