Dream Analysis of the Week- Etheric dream

The aroma of Palo Santo stood out. Smoke danced upward in a spiral. Had an imprint of a blue purple haze or cloud. The shade changed.
When a dream is directly linked to physiology, such as a present injury or ailment like arthritis, then its a physical body dream. This is grounded in time and space.
Yet, this dream concerns the etheric body (second body). Etheric dreams evoke confusion in Western psychology. Freud misunderstood etheric dreams for dreams caused by suppressed desires. Dreams caused by suppressed desires exist, but they belong to the physical body, (first body). If you have suppressed physical desires, if you have fasted for instance, then you may dream of food (breakfast). Or, if you have suppressed sex, then sexual dream fantasies can arise. These dreams belong to the first body. The etheric body is left out of psychological investigation, so its dreams are interpreted as belonging to the first body, the physical.
In truth, the etheric body can travel in dreams. There is every possibility of it leaving your body. As you recall this, it is remembered as a dream, but it is not a dream in the same sense as the dreams of the physical body. The etheric body can go out of you when you are asleep. Your physical body will be there, but your etheric body can go out and travel in space. There is no space limiting it; there is no question of distance for it. Those who do not understand this, who do not recognize the existence of the etheric body, may interpret this as the realm of the unconscious. They divide man’s mind into conscious and unconscious. Then physiological dreaming is called “conscious” and etheric dreaming is called “unconscious.” It is not unconscious. It is as conscious as physiological dreaming, but conscious on another level. If you become conscious of your etheric body, the dreaming concerned with that realm becomes conscious.
Just as physiological dreams can be created from the outside, so too can etheric dreams be created, stimulated. A mantra is one of the methods to create etheric visions, etheric dreams. A particular mantra or a particular nada – a particular word, sounding repeatedly in the etheric center – can create etheric dreams. There are so many methods. Sound is one of them. Smells are another. For instance, the warm and soothing scent of Paol Santo has been used for eons in religious rituals and ceremonies. The Incas, indigenous people of the Andes, shamans and healers, have long used it for its metaphysical properties of purification and cleansing of the soul.
Colors also be of help. If you have ever dreamed of a particular shade or colour, you may find seeing this colour again, meditating on it even may create etheric dreams in others as well. It is said certain colours stimulate etheric body dreaming.
So when someone goes deep in meditation and sees colors, and experiences perfumes and sounds and music absolutely unknown, these too are dreams, dreams of the etheric body. So-called spiritual visions belong to the etheric body; they are etheric dreams. Gurus revealing themselves before their disciples is nothing but etheric travel, etheric dreaming. But because we have only searched the mind at one level of existence, the physiological, these dreams have either been interpreted in physiological langugae or discarded, neglected, or, put into the unconscious.
To say that anything is part of the unconscious is really just to admit that we do not know anything about it. It is a technicality, a trick. Nothing is unconscious, but everything that is conscious on a deeper level is unconscious on the previous level. So for the physical, the etheric is unconscious; for the etheric, the astral is unconscious; for the astral, the mental is unconscious. Conscious means that which is known. Unconscious means that which is still not known, the unknown.
Any type of dream spiral is a mode of communication to the physical world. In short, its the way in which our 3D world reflects the spiritual plane. As we grow and evolve as a soul, we climb the metaphorical spiral path of understanding. So, to dream of a spiral, is to come to identify more with the univese or Christ consciousness.
We offer in-depth Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, to address karma, energy and more. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.