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Entries in karma (10)


7 Ways to work with the Law of Cause and Effect

Notice the universal law of cause and effect states that every action in the universe produces an equal and opposite reaction.  Some call this flow of energy "karma."  Others claim karma does not exist.  Reflect on 7 Ways to work with the Law of Cause and Effect.  Be are you travelling?

1.     Identify heavy energy

Be clear on the nature of your actions and their consequences that lock you in undesirable circumstances.  This requires making the unconscious, conscious and integrating the soul teachings. Be aware where you feel stuck or stagnant and reflect on the obstacles.

2.     Distance from incompatible people & situations

Life is complicated by those who are unable or unwilling to change.  Create distance from relationships that drain you.  Discover how much lighter you feel.  Stress will go away that was not yours to begin with.

3.     Be accountable to yourself

Once you recognize where you went astray, you are empowered to shift patterns.  Energy shifts in new directions.  Examine your past choices. Recognize making newer, more conscious choices is now.

4.     Do what nourishes your spirit

To feel drawn to something deep within you is to know intuitively this path is meant to revitalize you.  Focus energy on what makes you feel useful and valuable, allow it to nurture you.  One avenue is using dreams as a tool to get in touch with deeper meaning and life diractions. Contact us about dream work and our Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.

5.     View vulnerabilities as strengths

See that apparent weaknesses or patterns are teachers and pointers to resilience and opportunities for soul growth.  Be open to power of an open heart, how this profoundly connects you to deep truth.

6.     Take responsibility

Follow intuition to modify behaviours that are not serving you and the greater good.  Accept that we cannot change others, only how we respond.  Let go of old ways or behaviours that you outgrow.  Take the process of   personal responsibility to a whole new level. Be bold, daring! Join our 3 month Radical Responsibility course.

7.     Practice Gratitude 

The energy of gratitude lifts us out of the vibration of stuckness or negative energy.  This focuses us instead in the creative flow so we can concentrate on allowing the blessings and talents of who we are to flow, rather than attempting to fix illusions of who we are not.  


Dream Analysis of the Week- Etheric dream


The aroma of Palo Santo stood out.  Smoke danced upward in a spiral.  Had an imprint of a blue purple haze or cloud.  The shade changed.


When a dream is directly linked to physiology, such as a present injury or ailment like arthritis, then its a physical body dream. This is grounded in time and space.

Yet, this dream concerns the etheric body (second body). Etheric dreams evoke confusion in Western psychology. Freud misunderstood etheric dreams for dreams caused by suppressed desires.  Dreams caused by suppressed desires exist, but they belong to the physical body, (first body). If you have suppressed physical desires, if you have fasted for instance, then you may dream of food (breakfast). Or, if you have suppressed sex, then sexual dream fantasies can arise. These dreams belong to the first body. The etheric body is left out of psychological investigation, so its dreams are interpreted as belonging to the first body, the physical. 

In truth, the etheric body can travel in dreams. There is every possibility of it leaving your body. As you recall this, it is remembered as a dream, but it is not a dream in the same sense as the dreams of the physical body. The etheric body can go out of you when you are asleep. Your physical body will be there, but your etheric body can go out and travel in space. There is no space limiting it; there is no question of distance for it. Those who do not understand this, who do not recognize the existence of the etheric body, may interpret this as the realm of the unconscious. They divide man’s mind into conscious and unconscious. Then physiological dreaming is called “conscious” and etheric dreaming is called “unconscious.” It is not unconscious. It is as conscious as physiological dreaming, but conscious on another level. If you become conscious of your etheric body, the dreaming concerned with that realm becomes conscious.

Just as physiological dreams can be created from the outside, so too can etheric dreams be created, stimulated. A mantra is one of the methods to create etheric visions, etheric dreams. A particular mantra or a particular nada – a particular word, sounding repeatedly in the etheric center – can create etheric dreams. There are so many methods. Sound is one of them.  Smells are another.  For instance, the warm and soothing scent of Paol Santo has been used for eons in religious rituals and ceremonies. The Incas, indigenous people of the Andes, shamans and healers, have long used it for its metaphysical properties of purification and cleansing of the soul.

Colors also be of help. If you have ever dreamed of a particular shade or colour, you may find seeing this colour again, meditating on it even may create etheric dreams in others as well.  It is said certain colours stimulate etheric body dreaming.

So when someone goes deep in meditation and sees colors, and experiences perfumes and sounds and music absolutely unknown, these too are dreams, dreams of the etheric body. So-called spiritual visions belong to the etheric body; they are etheric dreams. Gurus revealing themselves before their disciples is nothing but etheric travel, etheric dreaming. But because we have only searched the mind at one level of existence, the physiological, these dreams have either been interpreted in physiological langugae or discarded, neglected, or, put into the unconscious.

To say that anything is part of the unconscious is really just to admit that we do not know anything about it. It is a technicality, a trick. Nothing is unconscious, but everything that is conscious on a deeper level is unconscious on the previous level. So for the physical, the etheric is unconscious; for the etheric, the astral is unconscious; for the astral, the mental is unconscious. Conscious means that which is known. Unconscious means that which is still not known, the unknown.

Any type of dream spiral  is a mode of communication to the physical world. In short, its the way in which our 3D world reflects the spiritual plane.  As we grow and evolve as a soul, we climb the metaphorical spiral path of understanding.  So, to dream of a spiral, is to come to identify more with the univese or Christ consciousness.

We offer in-depth Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, to address karma, energy and more.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Accelerate new life shifts

Notice the sense of holding yourself back is a pointer to the root of your own fear and resistance. Its not who you are that actually holds you back, but who you think you are not and the influence of this identity over your choices. You may forget what you are made of, forget how to access it or tune in. Much like the penguin is aware of the significance and benefits of ice water, yet does not always jump right in, we are each aware that our discomfort holds the key to our own salvation. Deep down, we all know what feels right yet the question is, do we always listen or simply cling to "the familliar"? We are each like a seed that contains all genetic material to transform into a progessive seedling, plant and tree. We can continue to produce our own seeds and stay in a karmic cycle, or, come "full circle" and embrace a new way of being. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life. We hold the seed of our own energetic and crystalline light body transformation. At what point do we cease to resist and recall what feels natural?" As we meet guides on the Path, they can assist in different capacities, depending on what we allow or resist. Sufi poet Khalil Gibran reminds us, 'the teacher who is indeed wise does not invite us to enter his house of widom but rather, guides us to the threshold of our own mind' so we awaken.


Value relationship mirrors

Relationships are mirrors for us to learn more about ourselves. Relationships are mirrors of (1) who you were, (2) where you are now on your path and (3) your potential (who you know you are inside but have yet to manifest).

If an issue or person has an emotional "charge" to it, then you still have work to do. This mirror can feel challenging as it reflects the things you have not yet finished in your karma. These are matters we resist recognizing, accepting and integrating.  Interacting with admired individuals gives you a glimpse at who you could be, if you let go of thoughts that hold you back. 

All relationships exist so each human being can work on the spiritual self and karma. It is a process of polishing our own mirror. We do not see ourselves in the reflection and forget who we really are is beyond the mirror.  The more you clear up emotional triggers/ issues, the more you discover you model the ‘right’ person, that person you tell yourself you are looking for in a partner or other relationship to feel whole.

Its helpful to remember every human is a spiritual being choosing to have a physical experience. That is, you are a soul in a body (for a while). Soul Mates are other souls that have agreed to connect with you on this planet for a purpose. In some cases it is to clear up karma, finish unfinished business, to achieve a particular goal together. When Soul Mates first meet they sense deja-vu. Every encounter is a pointer to what is beyond the mirror.


Listen to the Soul

Notice what it is to listen to the soul. In every choice you make, there exists the ego perception and a higher consciousness knowing of the bigger picture.

When you look back at any situation to understand where you are and why you do what you do, this is ego perception in linear time.  When you focus on appearances, this is ego filtering reality. You never actually do or cancel out on things, change plans, situations, careers or relationships for reasons you think. There is always more to it which you see when ready.

Listening to the Soul allows you to see from more expanded vantage points and appreciate multi-dimensional nature.  It is feeling soulful reasons for everything, being aware of specific teachings and lessons available for soul growth on a soul journey at every step.  It involves engaging subtle senses, moving in all directions in this moment, a grasp of spherical time. This is also recognizing how other people behave reflects their karma and has nothing to do with you.  How you respond reveals degrees of acceptance of true nature and everything you project is a mirror.

Ponder three examples;

1) At first glance, attending a conference or event may seem to relate to work or some area of interest.  Yet, the larger part of you is privy to deeper, soul-related reasons for creating specific situations and encounters.

2) When anyone you encounter feels uncomfortable accepting complements, gifts or gestures of generosity, how you respond is a gauge of where you vibrate between scarcity and abundance consciousness. Seeing everything as a gift you give yourself allows you to appreciate something in all situations.

3) Money is a form of energy you direct consciously or unconsciously based on values and feelings.  No matter how much money you have, it is a form of energy flow. How you spend your money is an energetic message. Being soulful involves directing energy flow in ways that expand consciousness, team-building and inter-connectedness (rather than separation). Are you contributing to a sense of community or are you ego driven?

A key revelation is you cannot perceive something you are not the vibration of. Every experience is teaching you to let go of what you are not. Every experience invites you to listen to intuition, make soulful choices.