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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in evolution (31)


What does overwhelming mean?

Human beings are stepping into different states of mind.  Not everyone is yet aligned with the heart.  Some people feel stuck.

Other people feel overwhelmed with what appears to be moving, changing, shifting or emerging in situations inconceivable before their current mental focus.  

Historically, the world moved from independent decision making for basic survival to where now a select few now act to control many and intimidate moving toward greater centralisation.  Examples are found in agendas of nations, corporations, health and other areas.   You may feel helpless.   

In the same moment, you awaken. You sense imbalance and suddenly begin to realize what is requires to experience alignment. The world you exist is not solid.  Nothing about what you think and feel is real.  The electrical signals and energy vibrational information create the world you experience.

A sense of feeling overwhelmed can be viewed as a portal to expand consciousness.  You can go through a process of noticing how you are more attuned to the planet, to worlds beyond the physical. You can view this as an opportunity to reclaim being to accept and let go of thoughts and feelings that do not serve you.  The Matrix movie is not really a movie.

Overwhelming makes a statement on your own evolutionary process, on your current state of mind, on what you hide within, on what you are willing to discard, ignore or embrace.  This is basically about energy vibration, and a process of alchemy.  You figure things out for your authentic self.  Everything that stands out now is a beacon, an inuksuk, guiding you back home.  Not far now. You are already here.


How do you choose to see?

Thoughts and feelings are only some ways you choose to see. At a given moment, especially when you arrive at a perceived crossroads, consider how and what you choose to see;

1) Do you view through eyes of emotion?

2) Do you view from the position of another person?

3) Do you view from the angle of an analytical or logical mind?

4) Do you view through the heart and soul?

5) Do you view things as a judge and jury?

6) Do you sense as an intuitive empath?

7) Do you view things as an altruist? or something else?

8) Do you view everything in perpetual balance?

9) Do you view as a way to better understand and improve?

10) Do you view experience as another dream within a dream?


Revive dormant levels of awareness 

As it stands, not every human being is yet open to what is often described as the inflow of "cosmic consciousness."  Some people falsely believe mystic messages they receive are delusions. Nothing could be further from the truth. This stuff actually stays with you or can be re-awakened if you let it;

1) Reflect on childhood. In the early years, children interact with what adults view as invisible friends, sense the presence of fairies, angels, magical beings and mythological creatures.  Enchanted worlds are within. They never actually leave you. You re-awaken anytime. Reality is multi-dimensional. Although your perception may shift, this does not alter what is.

2) Reconnect with nature.  You may have had pets as a child.  You interact with insects. You watch caterpillars, ants, worms and the like.  The need to survive compels behaviour that defies what Science tells you is possible. Consider the bumblebee. Science tells you its measurements and density are such that it cannot fly. Apparently, nobody told the bumblebee.

3) Sense evolution occurs in an instant. Humans are conditioned to believe it takes years for species to evolve. The distance between how you think and what is real is as far as you choose to believe. When Science tells you incubation periods and lifespans, this is only one perspective. From some vantage points, evolution is instantaneous. Time is an illusion.

4) Stop playing it safe. Listening to the stories of others or sleeping with books does not enable you to raise awareness through osmosis. To incarnate brings the responsibility to gain practical experience. No person skips layers of awareness.  Tapping into inner knowing happens in stages with context.  The divine Source is random order chaos on some levels. Your choices shape your destiny.

5) Unveil your dormant capacities.  Re-lign with the time-traveller side of you that is temporarily disconnected from your core.  Stop repressing your telepathic energy.  You are part of a multi-dimensional being interacting as part of an inter-dimensional race. You are not at all who you appear to be. You are working out karma, dharma and/or misunderstandings.  


Why dissolve your fixations?

Some human beings begin to wonder if their conscious choices always help them. People come to realize certain of their thoughts and feelings do not always serve them.  As you gain insight into your thoughts, why dissolve supposed fixations? 

1) Consider the possibility everything about the unique, individual self is an illusion. 

2) Giving up ego-driven fixations would heal fragmented perception of time (i.e. now and eternity).

3) To liberate the mind from attachments is to stop identifying with what is self-serving.

4) Letting go of misunderstandings would allow free access to inner peace.

5) Ceasing efforts to amass knowledge from outside the self shifts mind to inner wisdom.

6) Aligning with natural energy flow reconnects the essence of joy, love, and core knowing.

7) Accepting constant unseen presence highlights untapped intelligence and compassion.

8) Reconnecting with the inner light permits mind to access the higher self.

9) Accepting the basis for ongoing changes within and beyond may be incompatible with your current view of reality, encourages you to expand a sense of what is possible.

10) Choosing to expand your scope and awaken differently helps awaken others.

11) Sensing the divine mind emerging draws attention to inner power and universal interconnectedness.


10 Ways to make the most of now

1) Contemplate your conditions now and what led up to them.

2) Identify what it means to truly listen to your soul.

3) Note physical events evoke similar emotions until you learn.

4) Nurture forgiveness and remember what prompts it.

5) Replace perceived difficulty with a sense of joy and ease.

6) Pay attention to patterns: why accept or reject insight?

7) Discern meaning and lessons in every moment.

8) Recognize time is the only basis for physical existence.

9) Align thoughts, focus and energy with what matters.

10) Realize beliefs and judgment interfere with soul evolution.