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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in evolution (31)


See through your own perception

Whenever a person adopts a new way of thinking or understanding the world, this is like a revolution.  Change itself is neither good or bad, but it impacts the consciousness of individuals and groups.  Consider that to replace one view with another is not necessarily evolution.  How often do you interpret what is unfolding rather than experience flow? Notice how you perpetuate or see through your perception;

1) Discern how you create and rationalize points of reference.

2) Recognize 'seeing' requires detaching from conditioned beliefs.

3) Realize gaining experience does not mean you know everything.

4) Grasp that philosophies are not a means to an end. 

5) Accept that no matter how much you learn, you still remember little.


What does it take?

What if you do not have to be anywhere? As you realize you are not going anywhere, you suddenly know you are going nowhere. Consider why you feel increasingly impatient as you are. What is this telling you about your states of mind and being?

Part of you may be asking, what does it take to change? What does it take to be yourself and accept it?  What is required to give up the masks and illusions? Some people are ready for this stage and others are not. To be focused on ego prevents you from transcending.

From the higher perspective, limitation does not exist. Evolution does not happen. You are slowly tapping into the vision that is you.   What are you giving representation to right now? All of this remembering is the road to aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.


Everything is inside you

Many people temporarily forget that everything they require is inside them. This is where dreams are devised and from where plans to realize them are projected. You point things out to yourself directly through your visualized sensations. You imagine a whole range of emotions and manifest them into being as experience through different dimensions of reality. Why then, search outside at all?

Part of you resists believing, sensing or knowing that what you experience is contained within the mind.  This same part of you hesitates to accept that your karma or energy has anything to do with discomfort that is unfolding in your scope o awareness. You may empathize with another or, disregard his plight as being in any way related to you.  Could it concern self-love and forgiveness?

Even now, your own teachings emerge from the wisdom mind.  This is not a dream.  You feel what you seek through the palm of your hand.  As you go deeper into the nature of the mind, you discern answers.  You discover they unfold themselves without prompting as you are ready.  This is yet another stage in higher consciousness evolution.  It is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Be like a fearless chihuahua

You may have heard of the miniature chihuahua who runs fearlessly toward a ferocious dog many times his size.  Nobody taught this little dog that he could be eaten in a morsel or injured in any way.  All this little dog sees is another dog.  He sees him as his equal in the moment and does not judge.  This dog does not think or rationalize, for these are distinctly human traits.  What is my point here?

It is normal for the unconditioned person to stay present as the observer of the mind.  You can be deeply grounded in your physical body and only see mirror reflections of self in all others whom you view as equals.  In such a case, no matter what you perceive outside, nothing can shake your peace of mind, nothing can shift you out of a state of unconditional love, self-acceptance and fearlessness. Many people only imagine this state of being. What about you?How would you like to feel? Where am I headed?

The script in the mind shapes the path of your thinking and the evolution of your behaviour.  You may be fearless for short periods, then fall back into conditioned emotional reactions.  Rest assured, being aware of behaviour empowers you to change what you outgrow and opt to step outside the mind.   Its the moment to awaken.  The process of revelations is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  


Remember what you need

As you increase your level of awareness, you begin to discern the fullness and beauty of life.  You also experience revelations about what you need. Its possible to let go of situations, to detach from relationships that you outgrow.

Everyone and everything is in a state of evolution.  Part of the process involves remembering how to attune to the true self, to accept unconditionally the conscious creator you are.  You also sense you are opening up and releasing barriers that block access to the spiritual self.  Choosing to feel and be pure love is part of the renewal process.

What if you begin to sense new kinds of energy acessible to you?  What if your paradigms and self-view are shifting? What if sensing unlimited abundance is part of recognizing endless cosmic energy that already flows through you?  Cosmic Synchronicity is not only a healing force and cosmic stimulus. There's oh, so much more.