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Entries in faith (16)


5 Ways to respond to the inner mystic

When you have an experience you do not readily understand, you still have the power to decide how to respond.  Human beings forget that they hold profound, inner power.  This also means one can evolve to sense, acknowledge or expand energy vibration.  It extends from how you accept or reject yourself.

In essence, you are in charge of what is happening, how you choose to view a given occurrence. You unconsciously determine what serves your spiritual side and what does not.  You choose your principal focus and which emotions unfold.  To discern things does not mean you feel worthy or committed to the process.  How do you respond to the inner mystic?

1) Detect unfamiliar sensations.  This might lead you to hesitate, hold back from embracing and accepting for fear of being judged.  Such a reaction implies you have not yet detached fully from what does not matter.  All in good time.

2) Jump to conclusions.  To assume you know the depth and significance of all thoughts or visions that appear in mind, may be premature.  A process transpires to encourage you to shed beliefs and move into the realm of pure knowing.  A wise being recognizes the difference between higher truths and untruths.

3) Opt to be constrained by external forces.  You may simply deny anything is out of the ordinary.  You can decide you transcend perceived outer circumstances or, evolve further to recognize conditions are imagined to distract you from what lies beyond them. To shift mindset and energy vibration enables you to understand choices differently.

4) Assume no coincidences.  Such a mindset is a stage in learning to let go of conditioning absorbed in the physical realm.  As one evolves to sense every incident arises from the non-physical, higher realms, one begins to remove the veil.

5) Recognize channelled energy. To discern you channel energy confronts you with choices. You direct it to negative thoughts and behaviours or discipline the mind in other ways. This ability enables you to take responsibility for the nature of transformation in your life and perspective. Holding love as the deepest truth allows a person to let go of fear and see beyond time, space and human-imposed limits. Open dimensions.

"You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience." –Teilhard de Chardin


6 Ways to re-align what ails you

Many people who feel discomfort or unease do not always realize it translates details of energy states. To consult an energy healer is one way to help uncover and localize some of your core imbalances. Consider these exercises you can do alone to help open your mind and explore some core issues;

1) Heed "ah-ha" moments. A series of events will lead to a moment of realisation. This may trigger a series of painful experiences you had repressed or, other intense emotions selectively disregarded and forgotten. Difficult memories emerge as you admit you are not being true to self. Emotions present as a gauge for you to learn why you generate them.

2) Raise self-awareness. Notice how certain life choices weaken your sense of core foundations, principles and values. Recall a situation where you did not listen to your inner voice. Reminisce of the stress or turbulence that ensued. Feel the energy imbalance. Use this to identify how beliefs formed to justify what you did not wish to do, but did anyway.

3) Realize what you resist. What you think is authentic or real in life progressively dissolves. It may be a condition, job, relationship, whatever clarifies who you believe you are.  As you evolve to recognize which ideas have been instilled, you gradually peel those away to uncover what you resist.

4) Restore faith in yourself.  A shift in awareness can lead to sudden feelings of betrayal and identity crisis. As you begin to grasp how you create and perpetuate illusions, you can choose to replace distorted ideas and initiate self-healing.

5) Build resilience. Some people relate staying power to developing physical endurance. To expand, incorporate psychological and spiritual angles.  Decide to nuture positive thoughts and accept what you cannot change outside yourself. Cumulative effects are incredibly powerful.  As you gain insight into core rhythms and energies, you begin to grasp how the vibration and frequency of your energy body affect how you feel and what you perceive. 

6) Brainstorm harmony. Each person has a sense of what creates and takes away from harmony.  Energy you experience travels in waves, patterns and movements that affect your changing states. Some experiences will seem more challenging.  Yet, those are  the ones that are most enriching.  They invite you to stretch and redefine balance and well-being.  As this process of re-aligning becomes more conscious and deliberate, you sense harmony that defies words.



Build faith in your success

Your day evolves, moment-by-moment, not based on what you do, but on how you think and how aware you are in any kind of circumstance.  The nature of confidence and trust that you are building within yourself brings you back to the present and the reality of your success.  What do you fathom as implications?

1) Success is now.  People often convince themselves that success is a thing to work toward in the future. They forget time obscures reality and reasons to be grateful. To disregard measures of time enables you to tap into synchonicity.

2) Perception limits reality. How you think about where you are shapes how you view what you do and whether you choose to change. Your perception shifts as you consciously recognize you limit success to what is measured by your familiar senses.

3) Purpose deepens before it is grasped. Learning more about who you are is the underlying reason for everything.  Achieving what you set out to accomplish draws attention to outcomes. You uncover two, inter-related core motivations.

4) Inner alignment is expanding. As you move to focus on quality rather than quantity in experience, you begin to realize you dwell on energy that acts as the backdrop of everything.  Your field of awareness is expanding beyond self-created limits. Success loses its form and you sense loving feelings.

5) Awareness is the key focus. The nature of your journey evolves from this moment and everything you discern about it. To feel capable of linking more than one view of success is part of transformation. You reconcile mental, physical and spiritual growth and grow aware of interconnectedness.

6) Cycles reshape success. Transitions are always unfolding. Every event is created so that some new experience arises. Each stage invites learning.  You become more and then feel like less. You gain possessions, experiences, relationships and gradually lose, sell or give them all away.  Life grows and contracts and the physical body does the same. You are form now and return to formless worlds from whence you came.


How do you involve your guardian angels?

No matter what you do today, it makes sense to reflect on how you involve your guardian angels.  What's that?  You don't know?  You're not sure if you noticed them or they, you? Is that a conscious choice or a lack of awareness of what's really happening in your life?

1) Did you encounter green circulation lights or bypass a car accident today?

2) Was a vacant parking space calling out to you?

3) Has your overworked computer churned out another document without a hitch?

4) Did a stranger do something kind for you then, disappear?

5) Were you able to get up at all, with minimal pain and discomfort?

6) What about that close call where you nearly lost something you cherish?

Listen to yourself. Whenever you use words like, "coincidence", "blessings" or "luck," this can also be a sign of heavenly intervention. Notice which situations in your own life remind you that you're not alone. Ponder experiences that strenghten your inner resolve, resilience, nurture your faith or prompt you to trust in what you cannot see.


Neale Donald Walsch & 3 Ways to develop faith

Neale Donald Walsch inspires me.  His life story goes from experiences he describes as "misdirected," to being homeless and penniless.  Then, he mysteriously reconnected with the creator, began writing books, and completely transformed as a spiritual soundboard.  The Conversations with God movie trailer is worth watching.  Also invite you to watch the film here.

The words and stories he shares are profound, yet also very simple.  They invite increasing self-reflection so that you can uncover yourself by listening more closely to your inner voice, intuition, and all that lies beneath programming that begins before birth. I update this post to add Eloise King's inspiring interview entitled Conversations with Neale Donald Walsh about God and other things (2016) which I highly-recommend.

One of the subjects Neale explores in his books is the power of faith.  He recognizes how hard it can seem to shift to believe in what you don't initially believe.  This brings us face-to-face with our own resistance.  Ask yourself when in your life you notice your own resistance, when you are willing to shift your mindset to believe something your ego resists? How do you nurture faith and trust in the unknown and unseen? 

As author of many heart-warming books such as the Conversations with God Series, Neale Donald Walsch observes faith as an acquired trait but trust is innate. He feels anyone can develop faith, and apply it at will.  Yet, we must develop faith in ourselves before being able to have faith in things outside or seemingly separate from ourselves.  Seeing through our own self-created illusion of separation is part of the process of awakening or expanding into more of our untapped potential. Imagine how it feels to tune into unlimited being. COuld you imagine the nature of such magnificence?

We develop faith at least 3 ways:

1) By noticing you can (in passively observing others).

2) By experiencing you can (sensing it, perhaps unexpectedly).

3) By deciding you will (with conscious intent).

You can also decide developing faith in yourself, in whatever you choose to work on, is a 3-step process.  You may hear about another person's miracle or apparent good fortune.  You may raise your awareness of what is possible and discen you are experiencing blessings.  You may also decide that you can expect good things and nothing else.  

In essence, we each develop faith our own way.  You may skip some of the above steps, change the order or, simply discipline yourself to believe (or not) for your own reasons.