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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in feeling (21)


Feel your way 

As you realize people are saying to you, 'I want what you have,' 'I want to do what you are doing,' you realize you feel your way to whatever you are asking for.  You realize what is normal and natural already exists. You realize your passion and enthusiasm are catching. You are already taking thought to where it has never been before.  From the universal witness, eternal point of view, one is aware everything is unfolding. The human mind would like you to believe you must work to create and wait for a dream to unfold. The universe knows the dream exists already. Feel that.


Awaken to false interpretation

Every moment, you have infinite opportunities  to recognize you are not the mind, you never were, and never can be.  To identify with what does not exist is part of the process of awakening to false interpretation.  You are shifting energy, focus and outgrowing beliefs you are ready to let go.

You may have heard of Chuang Tzu who dreamt he was a butterfly and awoke depressed and in a quandry.  He is unsure whether he is a butterfly dreaming he is Chuang Tzu or Chuang Tzu dreaming he is a butterfly.  This story prompts you to reflect on what is real and tangible to you.

When you awaken from any dream, you are invited to increase awareness. You are invited to reach a place where thought does not exist. When the mind is quiet, thoughts do not exist. The gap between thoughts is you. Within that gap, neither Chuang Tzu nor the butterfly exist. So long as thoughts exist, the mind is present. It is a teacher but it is not you. Be alert between thoughts.  Emotions are your guide. You know what feels right.


You are in this world, not of it

Its easy for people to allow external events to trigger emotional reactions within them and to allow something else to control them.   Perhaps this sounds like you. Perhaps you know what this feels like.  This moment, this dream, is about you.  The reason you exist is not to strengthen any beliefs.  The reason you appear here is not because you are looking to be convinced of anything.  You connect with theis stream of energy as part of a process, a shift in consciousness.  You recall you are in this world now, but not of it.


Find your inner voice

Every choice you make is part of the process to find your inner voice.  You begin to sense this is a form of self-expression that is slowly taking shape.  You have the power to give it new life or bring it into being.  The intangible becomes tangible and then becomes something else. You determine what it is, how to feel it, how to experience it viscerally and ride the wave. You are the wave, the origin, process and all destinations.


Sense the universal message

Whatever experience is your focus of the moment, you can discern a universal message.  Notice that as you take the personal context out of what you see, you begin to sense the bigger picture.  You are not what you think.  You are remembering as you feel your way to every answer.  Some people use a process of elimination to reach the crux.  Other people simply stop thinking, doing, resisting and shift focus to being.