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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in fun (2)


Find fun everywhere you go

Know there are fun people to encounter and delight you around every corner. Stay in a general state of positive expectation. Feel good. Be excited. Say and do things to uplift people. You need not explore unhappiness in order to experience happiness. Joy is here now. Express it. Allow it to flow freely through you and notice what happens to the world around you.

Consider this: its not your job to always identify things that make you happy. The vision itself does not matter but how you feel does.  Imagine what inspires you and create uplifting feelings.  Allow yourself to feel impatient, disappointed or negative, and block light-heartedness, as well as seeing what is here.  As you choose to love where you are and have fun wherever you go, everything hits the spot.  You stop looking for what you already have.


All is well already

The mind invites you to define things on your terms, based on degrees of self understanding. Beyond this, something constantly flows and expresses itself in ways that resonate deeply.

Unspoken intentions are known beyond the physical. Awareness opens based on levels of conscious self-acceptance. Until then, you hear what you are willing to hear and block out the rest. The physical body expresses core well-being. Yet, what you allow yourself to see and experience reflects the level of alignment or mis-alignment of the mind and spirit with love.

Notice emotions that capture your attention. Are you focused on love or degrees of hope, doubt, fear and resistance?  Unconditional love is silent and ever-present.   Being here in the body you know as you is an exercise in awakening to your beliefs and habits.  Its about self-recognition. The more you are open and receptive to love, the more you experience well-being. You align with who you are or pinch yourself off for the fun of it.  Come what may, know all is well already.

So, the next time you feel a nudge from within, pay attention. Allow it to be second nature to be kind and compassionate to yourself and others.   Imagine how life unfolds as you know this.  Realize you left that temporarily to stretch and expand through experiencing contrast.  It feels great to recall nothing fazes the essence of being.  The unreal is a figment of imagination.