Why expand consciousness?

(Visionary Art by Cameraon Gray)
Notice expansion of consciousness is essential right now. As old paradigms fall away, new realities emerge powered by consciousness-based systems. When one requests for material needs, the spiritual energy will manifest. That is, our advanced consciousness interfaces with the consciousness of the atoms of structures themselves.From the moment fear/ doubt cease to exist in our consciousness experience, materials materialize due to power of intention and belief in our own spiritual development. This relationship creates trust that allows the operation of Consciousness Physics on that level to occur and become a Physics and Art within our civilization and individuals. Imagine you recall what it is to transform your molecular body into consciousness at will. You would power vehicles, navigate through energy based on your consciousness mind alone. All Atlantean technological advancements were based on Consciousness as the means of operation. Consciousness belief structures were their power source throughout the Planetary Grid. DNA upgrades are happening and required to shift into molecular alignment with Universal Consciousness. More goes on than meets the eye.