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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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What happens as you align?

Alignment is something you recognize as you feel good and enjoy what you do.  You may feel this way some of the time, but not all of the time.  It is always possible to learn ways to get back on track.  At times, connecting with others, seeking guidance helps build confidence so you reclaim inner power.

Knowing you are doing what you choose is part of it. This draws attention to the fact you can alter your thoughts and perception of conditions any moment. You realize you can change how you think and feel about where you are. This revelation empowers you. Imagine what happens as you align;

1) The future unfolds in your present. You no longer say, "I am trying to become, working to become, hope to become." You know what you are and tell the world. This is not about talking, but 'walking the talk' in the present moment.

2) You open to new opportunities. Suddenly, all these unexpected opportunities come knocking at your door. You are attracting them. Yet, in another way you are choosing to see and acknowledge they are always there.  Choose to seize them.

3) You focus on what matters. The intent of your effort determines what transpires. To get excited about the nature of nature itself is to use less words and focus on expanding other levels of perception. You no longer describe what is happening to align with expectation. You live and demonstrate what is.

4) You realize you must give to receive. You recognize everything you do exchanges value for value. The law of service draws attention to how you put it into practice. How you value your authentic self is reflected in the value you place upon what you do or do not do. To give from the heart without judgment means you feel a resonance of truth in the moment. You do not give in hopes of receiving but recognize that where reciprocity is absent, sends you a messages about yourself.

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