What happens as you align?

Alignment is something you recognize as you feel good and enjoy what you do. You may feel this way some of the time, but not all of the time. It is always possible to learn ways to get back on track. At times, connecting with others, seeking guidance helps build confidence so you reclaim inner power.
Knowing you are doing what you choose is part of it. This draws attention to the fact you can alter your thoughts and perception of conditions any moment. You realize you can change how you think and feel about where you are. This revelation empowers you. Imagine what happens as you align;
1) The future unfolds in your present. You no longer say, "I am trying to become, working to become, hope to become." You know what you are and tell the world. This is not about talking, but 'walking the talk' in the present moment.
2) You open to new opportunities. Suddenly, all these unexpected opportunities come knocking at your door. You are attracting them. Yet, in another way you are choosing to see and acknowledge they are always there. Choose to seize them.
3) You focus on what matters. The intent of your effort determines what transpires. To get excited about the nature of nature itself is to use less words and focus on expanding other levels of perception. You no longer describe what is happening to align with expectation. You live and demonstrate what is.
4) You realize you must give to receive. You recognize everything you do exchanges value for value. The law of service draws attention to how you put it into practice. How you value your authentic self is reflected in the value you place upon what you do or do not do. To give from the heart without judgment means you feel a resonance of truth in the moment. You do not give in hopes of receiving but recognize that where reciprocity is absent, sends you a messages about yourself.

Reader Comments (4)
2) When one becomes in alignment, nothing comes as a surprise. The world as we interact with it face to face without inhibitions is all we desire. It is perfect in every sense.
3) One gives up their personal will or ego for that of the greater will that connects all things together as one. We become a bridge that allows us to enter cities that were once walled off to neighboring cells.
4) Where reciprocity is perceived as absent, then an authentic aspect of the self was never given. Pure honesty receives instant results whether seen or unseen by the giver.
1) Being completely honest with yourself about who you are, being comfortable with how you feel, is also being authentic. You feel the energy that resonates from within. This is not ego. It is matching the vibe with the intent.
2) Genuineness enables you to step back and observe how you relay who you are. This is not about sticking to an identity. You can be who you are and be good at everything. Consider the difference between image & identity. Image is how other people present or see you. Identity can be perpetually changing or not based on you.
3) To see yourself as a bridge is to be the bridge and to be those things you are connecting. There is no separation.
4) When a person is blind to certain effects of his giving, he may not yet have opened up to discern the reality of all he has to give.
* Sorrowless joy is possible and it is inside.
* The biggest obstacle to Truth is the deep identification we have with the mind.
* Awareness: the question is: who am I?
* “Letting go” is very natural for us. It’s just a matter of remembering what we have always known. Many “spiritual” concepts such as acceptance, gratitude, non-attachment, forgiveness, and surrender are really about letting go.
* Many of the things we consider good, like intelligence, creativity, joy, positivity, and compassion do not come from the thinking mind.
* In the end, all “practices” also must be surrendered. Practice is the mind’s doing. It is all the ways the mind devises, plans, learns, teaches, expounds, spiritualizes, and philosophizes about how to let go of burden. It’s a much simpler trick to just let go of the burden.
* I know there is Awareness. I know all experience is in Now. I know I exist. I know Truth is not the way the mind sees it. Beyond that, what else can I possibly know?
* Effort is required in the beginning but once we get into the flow of awakening, there is no effort.
* Emotional turmoil can happen as the internal and external world changes for us. Releasing heals whatever comes up. It helps to remember that courage shows up as needed. We never have to go beyond the edge of fear.
* Awakening does not promise success in the way the ego defines success.
* Awakening can wax and wan.
* It is important to rely only on direct experience, and not on what I read or hear, even if it is from a favorite “spiritual” guide. Lester Levenson said it best when he said “take it for the checking.”