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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in gate (1)


Life is more than a game

The world is your oyster.  You decide what is in your scope of awareness, which opportunities to create or block, and whether you choose to go deeper inside the self to explore more subtle energies.  You may also be drawn to explore power centres on different levels.  To access power centres requires expanding self-awareness.  As you awaken, you grow more conscious and naturally take responsibility.

In other words, whatever you experience is dependent on your evolution or remembering.  To imagine a series of gates creates them.  You grow aware of a guardian stationed at each gate.  Suddenly, you sense you are the guardian, the gate, the challenge and the solution.

As awareness grows, you sense how to contact a guardian so that whatever form it takes understands you.   Telepathy is only one tool among many. In this sense, life is like a video game.  You move through levels of tasks that reflect stages of maturity and wisdom.  Everything is based on skills you acquire or awaken within. Every choice and encounter reveals how you engage to Transform Your life