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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in heartfelt (8)


Consider a shift in perspective

Many people come to believe they are being dressed in this world by this world.  That is, they are in situations they are because of conditions beyond their control.  What if you take greater responsibility here? Consider a shift in perspective:

1) Your perception creates your sense of the world.  Change your perception and change what you see and experience.

2) What you interpret as the external reflects back how you feel inside about you. Listen to the heart not conditioned senses.

3) Recognize beliefs are changeable.  What you tell yourself is or is not possible is all in your mind.  Embark on self-discovery.  


Follow your own clues

During pivotal moments, or periods of transition, it is common to reach out for advice about next steps to take. Guidance can be helpful to empower you to get your bearings, to gain confidence in yourself, or even open you up to existing abilities you are not initially aware of.  As you come to trust yourself more, begin to follow your own clues.  Notice what happens:

1) A-ha moments come fast and furious - you no longer have to plan where you are going or what what you are doing next.  Its as if people, places, conditions all present in your life, with perfect timing.  And so it is.   The universe is silently reading your mind without you saying anything.  

2) Questions arising are answered - you regularly find yourself dreaming answers to questions arising in your head.  Its like the inventor comes alive or you ease into the vortex of solutions without doors. The what always comes before the how. A peaceful heart reveals the how.

3) You only see synchronicity - you no longer think about randomness or coincidences.  Phrases like, "small world" or words expressing doubt or sarcasm gently fade from your vocabulary.  You feel every synchronicty is a stepping stone to the next waiting your conscious recognition.


5 Ways to come from love

Notice your underlying state while making decisions.  Pause for a moment.  Reflect.  You cannot rely on someone else's word for it or on mere logical deduction.  Look closer.  Note what you see and feel differs from what you think.  Do you come from a place of 'Fear' or a place of 'LOVE'? 

Five ways to come from a place of love:

1) Let go of negative thinking- stop complaining

2) Refrain from judgement about what you are doing 

3) Connect with the inner child when you are born naked and innocent, you have nothing to go on but direct experience.  

4) Feel with the heart- intuition is a powerful tool.

5) Trust heartfelt decisions are made with love and are the right decisions for you.

How would it feel to live a life without fear?  How would you feel if love was your primary consideration and helped guide your life choices?  What would be different?  Who would you be with?  Where would you live?  What would you be doing? Ponder the possibilities.

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