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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in impulses (1)


The power of self-inquiry

Many people wonder which impulses to follow. How do you know when to trust yourself? and when your impulse is leading you astray?

Unless you are already enlightened, that is, you always feel in harmony and manifest instantly, then not all of your impulses are going to come from your higher self-intuitive guidance system.  Some of your feeling-based impulses are going to come from your lower level blockages; your fears, limiting beliefs, emotional wounds, baggage and karmic patterns. As such, humility is a reliable guide.

So, if everything in your life is not in perfect harmony, disharmony is not going to shift unless you are willing to do a bit of self-inquiry. Breathing more consciously is a good start, but you benefit greatly from going further.

As it is, the universe is designed to project and help you work through your emotional blockages as quickly as possible, mainly to create the exact situations that dig up what is holding you back so you face it.  Making blockages conscious with honesty and humility and appreciating the service they perform (blockages are initially designed to self-protect, and always offer valuable lessons), gives the energetic blockage has permission to dissolve.

If in a particular moment, you choose not to face yourself, the universe patiently keeps creating new situations that offer the same opportunity to face your shadow (the unacknowledged and disowned parts of yourself) until yo uare ready to look deeply into yourself and feel what you have not been wiling to feel. This is to be done with unconditional love and compassion. 

As Carl Jung echos: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

Whatever arises in your life, as yourself if you are being guides by higher self or the lower emotions of fear. Ask to be shown what you cannot yet see.  Be receptive to lessons you have not yet recognized and integrated.