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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Drop into Kundalini meditation

The Kundalini Meditation is a dynamic form of meditation created by the famous Indian spiritual master Osho. He developed a series of meditations that involve music and movement, especially for the modern world in which we live where many people have difficulties to sit still and reach the depths of meditation. The Kundalini meditation is a 60 minutes practice with four different stages of 15 minutes each, accompanied by music which was originally composed for this meditation. The stages are shaking, dancing, standing or sitting in stillness and relaxing.  You can adjust it based on your body and individual situation.

The four stages of the Kundalini Meditation

First Stage – Shaking

In this first stage you stand and shake your body for 15 minutes. Why is shaking so beneficial? Animals shake their bodies as a natural response to release any stress from their bodies. Have you ever seen ducks fighting on a lake? They fight and quack loudly, but after a while they swim in opposite directions, shake their feathers and move on. We as humans tend to hold on to stress and this can cause physical, energetic or emotional blocks. When we learn again to shake, this can free up stuck energy and feel like a big relief! You let your body shake and become loose again. In Osho’s words anything that has become frozen or hard can be fluid again. Shaking for an extended time can really feel exhilarating as soon as you allow the shaking to happen naturally and feel energy moving within your body. It trains you to be more in your body and less up in your head.

Stage 2 – Dancing

The second stage is to dance just the way you like to move. Let yourself be inspired by the upbeat music and allow self-expression through movement. You don’t have to worry what other people may think. It is your own journey of feeling the body, the energy and celebrating it with a dance. You can keep your eyes open or closed during this stage.

Stage 3 – Standing or Sitting

In this stage you have the choice to either stand or sit down. From movement you come back to stillness. Your eyes will be closed and you are simply listening and observing – listening to the music and observing whatever is present on the outside and the inside. Practice being your own witness without getting too involved in your sensations, thoughts or emotions.

Stage 4 – Relaxation

In this last stage you lie down on the floor like with eyes closed and the body in stillness. The fourth stage is without music and is an integration phase where you rest and relax.

The benefits of active meditations

Usually we thing that meditation is sitting down in stillness only, but you can also come to a meditative state with movement practices. Osho emphasized that it is not enough to work with our minds only, but we need to include the body in our practices, to come back to our hearts and feel the energy at our very core. In our modern world we are so used to think, plan, structure, rationalize and accumulate knowledge, so most people find it difficult to meditate in the traditional manner, which is to experience inner silence by sitting in stillness on a meditation cushion. When you start a traditional meditation practice, you probably feel that your mind is getting noisier and the chatter in the head gets even louder when you try to find inner calmness and peace. The body might feel restless and you might experience some sort of discomfort when you sit for an extended time.

The Osho active meditations start with at least one phase of activity. This allows you to loosen up your body and free the mind. Afterwards, it will be much easier to move naturally from tension or stress into a deep state of stillness and relaxation. The Kundalini meditation allows you to reconnect to yourself and to come back to the here and now.

Any activity can become a meditation when we allow to be fully present in the moment. When you ask dedicated surfers or runners, they will tell you that their sport feels like meditation and they find a deep sense of fulfillment from it.

What is the Kundalini?

Kundalini is a primordial, creative energy that is mostly dormant within us. In ancient texts this energy is depicted as a coiled-up snake and upon awakening, the energy can move up along the spine. There is no one-size-fits-all method for awakening the Kundalini and its unfolding is very individual in divine timing. With certain practices like this Kundalini meditation or Kundalini Yoga we can awaken this creative energy within us. For some it might happen gradually, for others it can be a transformational, life changing experience. For sure, practices to awaken the Kundalini should not be taken lightly and they are recommended to do with the guidance of an experienced teacher.

After the Kundalini meditation you feel may more alive, get tingling sensations in your limbs or feel that more energy is moving inside your body. Universal energy can flow uninhibited when we free ourselves from blocks and conditioning that limit the access and flow of life force. When energy is flowing, we will then be able to fulfill our true potential and live a more authentic and meaningful life.


3 Steps to transform your life 

Many people ask what they can do to change their unfulfilling conditions and by extension, alleviate anxiety and intense emotion.  Getting the most out of coaching or mentoring relates to exploring key attitudes or beliefs. Consider 3 questions to get to the root of the matter and consciously transform your life:

Question 1: What do you really want right now?

While each person sees things in unique ways, a satisfying life is commonly based on three things:

  • Transforming dreams into reality (getting measurable "results")
  • Finding joy in what arises; harnessing power to understand, appreciate existence at the deepest level
  • Realizing life is happening through us and for us rather than to us. (taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings as well as our power to change them, change how we respond to the external)


Question 2: What prevents you from having/ getting what you want?

Only three things prevent you from having anything you want:

  • You lack clarity about what it is you really want
  • You are missing/ unaware of the proven tools and strategies
  • Your resistance stands in in the way of allowing  (inner conflicts exist- energy is out of alignment)

The biggest problem for most people is looking for ways to solve their problems instead of focusing on creating the life they want – a life of their own design. For coahing and mentoring to guide you effectively to a new way of being, start with what you want instead of thinking about what you don’t want. (Focus on outcomes)


Question 3: How do you change life in this moment?

An integrated approach can take your journey to the next level so you live the best version of yourself.  This implies you


  • come to recognize your own patterns (make the unconccious conscious)
  • are willing to take steps to make new choices (step outside the familliar/ break patterns),
  • accept a different life is possible for you. 



Dream Analysis of the Week- Cancer & Relief


In the dream, my mother had cancer in her lower body and doctors said it was spreading. She was mostly confined to bed and accepted medication. I wanted to know how to heal her disease.  She was disinterested.


On a basic level, we cannot control or change others, only how we respond to them.The point of view (beliefs) of the experiencer strongly influences the outcome.   

The scientist would describe an ailment based on his language, conditioning and understanding.  A shaman might tune into deep hurt, longstanding resentment, a deep secret or grief eating away at the self of the client. Those who tune into energy sense cancer emits a vibration that reflects the experiencer holds hatreds or grudges. If disheartened, the experiencer may say, “What’s the use?”

Many people limit sense of things to the physical bosy, that which appears to be born and assumes it will die. This view alone underestimates the power of the mind.  Humans are always affected by the energy of their attitudes.  Someone who has a superiority complex or who is aggressive and violent, is on a downward spiral.  They are weakened in their heart, mind and solar plexus where emotional attitudes are held.  In the Andes, people often attribute an aching stomach to have been caused by sorrow.

People who harbour hatred inevitably experience conflicts with relationships, and imbalances in material world.  All this reflects degeneration on a cellular level.  Evaluating energy centres of the dreamer is often advisable.

The dreamer would be wise to reflect on energy levels, whether there exists a craving for affection or a fear of certain kinds of treatment or environments. What makes you feel excluded or ignored?

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams as part of individual sessions or psychotherapy.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Bloody Frogs


I was visiting an acquaintance at her home. I had always had a not so great relationship with her. She is married to my husband’s business partner so we were often forced to socialize and I knew she detested me but however hard I tried to win her over nothing changed. She had made up her mind. She and her husband immigrated to the USA a couple of years ago and they were back in South Africa visiting friends and she invited me over.

So I was at her old house which was empty now and we were chatting, she was obviously trying to be friendly and I appreciated the gesture. It was just the two of us. She took out this little box that had about ten tiny compartments. In each compartment was a tiny frog. Each frog had the most vivid and beautiful colours with patterns. Exquisite. I played with one or two frogs and then gave them back to her and she put them back in their respective boxes.  I was curious and picked up the box because I wanted to see the other frogs and somehow the tops of the compartments came open and all the beautiful little frogs spilled out onto my lap and I couldn’t catch them quickly enough to put them back. The frogs hopped off into the next room. She didn’t seem too perturbed when I pointed it out. After a while I got up to go and look for the frogs and upon entering the other room saw two puppies who had eaten all the frogs in a playful game. There were chunks of dead frog parts and a blood puddle.   I immediately ran to her and explained what happened.  She was understandably furious and started screaming at me to get out and she regretted ever inviting me and she hates me etc…

I was extremely upset about the beautiful little frogs and how I had proved to be careless. I felt responsible and wretched and cried. I was so disappointed in myself. My friends arrived and tried to console me but I was distraught. I felt so awful. My one friend had a box with similar frogs (not as beautiful) and I asked him whether I could buy them from him to give to her as replacements but he didn’t want to sell them. They were rare and one could only purchase them in Pakistan.  I felt a failure. I knew the dead frogs were an accident but I still felt completely responsible for ruining her attempt at trying to be nice.  In the past years (before this incident) whenever she invited me over to her home to try and be nice - something awful always happened to cause us to remain estranged for a couple of years.  It was as if destiny insisted that we shouldn’t be friends.  


Dream encounters are a projection of some part of ourselves. If someone despises or hates us, and we are triggered, then this is drawing our attention to something unconscious within our own psyche.  We all have a shadow self. Its often made up of the parts of self we view as unacceptable. For many, this means things like our sadness, intense emotions like rage or hostility, even laziness, cruelty, grief or despair. Yet, you might also view this as relating to uncivilised behaviour or disowned parts of yourself like personal power, lost independence, emotional security or sensitivity.

Turns out, unacceptable treatment in dreams is a metaphor often couched in blame that evokes guilt and/or shame. Whatever beckons your attention on a deeper level, you assume self-blame, feel careless, responsible and self-punishment continues through dream worlds to get your attention.

Uneasy emotions are inviting you to explore more deeply what is going on inside.  Shadow figures may evoke fear of rejection. If we do not learn to love, accept whatever we hide from, we project the unresolved feelings onto others (who trigger us to keep discomfort alive).  The context of relationships reminds us of whether something is truly resolved. If someone leaves of moves away, it may be that part of yourself they represent is no longer needed is is healed.  If they return, this is opportunity to restore or rekindle relationships, or a way the universe is telling you something deeper remains unresolved. If you truly desire to repair a friendship, then you must find a way to befriend yourself.  That is, explore ways to decode and love your shadows.

This dream is also an invitation to accept and integrate the male side (assertive self, set and defend boundaries). There is something deeper going on here than an ongoing quest for connection, acceptance and belonging.  This explains why the frogs escape.  Somethng wants to show itself and you may not want to see it.

Dream figures like the frog appear to offer guidance and direction.  Frogs are about evolution and coming into wholeness, Change is on the horizon.  As your inner feelings are made known to yourself and those around you, it does not have to turn out to be a bloody mess. Dogs are known as man's best friend. The one in the dream is doing the dreamer a favor. The puppy heightens the sense of urgency to look. Something wants attention. Reflect on significance of the number 10.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations for single and multiple dreams. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us.


5 Ways Dreamwork benefits Mental Health

For many, dreams represent unsolved mysteries. From ancient civilizations to modern times, dreams have been interpreted as messages from something beyond us, premonitions of things to come, or even symbolic of our deep fears and desires. Dream interpretation can offer new perspectives into the nature of the mind, obstacles that present but the credibility very much relates to what you decide. I can be helpful to  practice or explore dreamwork with a psychotherapist.  This said, dream analysis and interpretation can have huge benefits for your mental health. Explore five ways dreamwork benefits mental health:

1. Improved Self-Awareness

Dream analysis can help you gain a deeper insight into yourself and your emotions. When we dream, our subconscious mind speaks to us through symbols and metaphors. This is the language of soul. By exploring these symbols, giving them context in our own lives, theis helps us understand their possible meanings.  We can gain insights into our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This new self-awareness can help us identify and begin to address underlying issues that may be affecting our mental health.

2. Reduced Anxiety

Anxiety is a widespread mental health condition that impacts millions. Research has shown that dream analysis can help reduce anxiety symptoms by providing a safe space to explore and express emotions. Dreams can be a source of comfort, creativity, and inspiration. By brainstorming possible hidden messages, we can gain a sense of control over our life and reduce anxiety and worries.

3. Enhanced Creativity

Dreams can be a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians. Many of the world's most famous works of art and literature have been inspired by dreams. By analyzing your dreams, you can tap into your subconscious mind and unlock your creativity. Dream analysis can help you identify recurring themes and symbols that may inspire your creative endeavours.

4. Improved Sleep Quality

Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many people struggle with sleep disorders that can affect their quality of life. Dream analysis can help improve sleep quality by addressing underlying issues that may be causing sleep disturbances. By identifying and addressing these issues, you can enjoy a more restful and restorative sleep.

5. Increased Spiritual Awareness

Dreams have long been associated with spirituality and the afterlife. Many spiritual traditions view dreams as a way to communicate with the divine. By interpreting your dreams, you can gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual beliefs and practices. Dream analysis can help you identify spiritual themes and symbols that may be relevant to your life.

Dream analysis can have significant benefits for your mental health. By improving self-awareness, reducing anxiety, enhancing creativity, improving sleep quality, and increasing spiritual awareness, dream analysis can help you lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life.