Nothing transforms you faster

Nothing transforms you faster than love that is unconditional, unwavering and constant. Time suddenly loses all meaning. Everything is now. Where you are and how you perceive relate to awareness of and surrender to pure love energy.
As love grows more unconditional, every event is viewed as an expression of compassion or invitation to reframe perception. As you propel along a process of self-revelation, the mind is selectively aware, yet the soul being is universally alert. Consider you are about to unveil what the core already knows;
1) To transcend temporal, linear processing, stop thinking.
2) Reason is the major block to reaching higher consciousness.
3) Accept love and non-judgmental forgiveness as a lifestyle.
4) Recognize no justified resentments or grudges exist.
5) Prepare the conscious mind for a holographic universe.
6) Grasp how you react depends on worlds you perceive.
7) To be humbled by futile beliefs urges willingness to change.
8) All beliefs are unfounded at higher levels of awareness.
9) Unless you choose to change, painful lessons lose meaning.
10) You are powerless until you intend and act to self-disclose.