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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in interdimensional (7)


Decode solar events

(Digital art by Tatiana Plahkova)
Notice solar events echo we are gathering and integrating more and more cosmic codes into our being. This awakens dormant senses, systems and upgrades our abilities to see more of what is unfolding from an expansive cosmic view. We are catching up with what part of us is already doing or being in higher energy states. Telepathy is coming online. Deja-vu is no longer about past and present. As we connect with more of True Self, we tune into our movements between timelines with deeper awareness. We shift from seeing dream recall in linear terms to expand into streams of energy. Everything is lining up. We see where things are heading before we get here. As we raise our frequency, we receive more information, see clearly what we are doing, flowing through and between dimensions. We can interface with trees, plants and flowers in Nature and suddenly sense we travel through them. We come to see ourselves as a bridge between worlds, a receiver adn transmitter of energetic information we use to expand. We say telportation, remote viewing, streams of consciousness, and see ourselves travelling along energetic grids. This is expanding our cosmic memory, altering how we view ourselves in this and other timelines, where we have lived and are living, which bodies we have held and what we see unfolding now. As we heighten our sensitivities, we notice what is beyond words. Each experience is equally important in the process or remembering True Being. As open Source within evolves, we always function based on level of consciousness. We never interact with anything we are not ready for. We can move through any dimension or timeline. The more light we hold in our body, the more the Truth reveals itself in our awareness. Each of us controls the pace of our own evolution and how closely we listen to intuition. 



Be receptive to deeper Truths

Notice mandalas connect us with divine being and act as doors to other worlds. Mandalas echo sacred geometry and activating interdimensional abilities embedded in our DNA. Looking closer, it dawns core patterns are reflected in nature, in architecture and the swirling energy of the cosmos. The word mandala has Hindu origin and is derived from the root ‘manda’, which means essence, and the suffix ‘la’, meaning container. "Mandala" appears in the Rig Veda, a collection of mantras or hymns chanted in Vedic ceremonies. The universe was believed to originate from these mantras, whose sacred sounds contained the genetic patterns of beings and things. This is why “mandala” echo sacred places and worlds which, by their very presence, remind a viewer of the divine universe and its potential in oneself. Mandala describes any geometric symbol that represents the cosmic energy in a metaphysical or symbolic matter. reflect motion that comes full circle in the universe. Mandalas prompt us to feel centred, to reflect deeply and begin to recall our origin is realms of unimaginable power and light. We access this when in harmony with the big picture. To draw and colour mandalas is a spiritual exercise. This opens us up to connect with energy fields, Earth and planetary grids and to energetically connnect with interdimensional realms. The metaphysical world is a bridge to the physical world. To connect with knowing that has no beginning or end points to what is here. To see everything as a divine reflection is to see everything as a mirror on a different scale of the same energy. As one communes with mandalas and sacred geometry, one balances apparent polarities and allows the Truth to reveal itself. (mandala art by Irina Artamonova from

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