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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in memory (8)


5 Reasons to Lucid Dream

Its widely agreed that lucid dreaming has many benefits and yet how do we get here and practise consistently?  Consider 5 Reasons to lucid dream;

1. Know Power of Intention

People are motivated to do things because of an underlying intention.  As we make the intention conscious (or grow aware of it), this creates momentum for the experience to take shape in our lives.

2. Strengthen Memory

Good dream recall  strengthens memory. This essential to lucid dream. This starts with the firm resolve to recall your dreams. Dream journaling helps. A proven technique is to wake up a few hours earlier, stay up for fifteen minutes or so, then go back to sleep with the intent that “I will wake up in my dreams, I will remember my dreams.” 

3. Be Willing to Explore Techniques

Eastern and western techniques exist to help orient the dream journey.  Taking supplements, using technology that tracks brainwaves, visualisation and specific meditation techniques are some of the options available.

4. Feel the Urge to gain mind mastery 

The real point here is not to gain mastery over your dreams but mastery over your mind.  By gaining mastery over your mind, you grow fearless in the dark. The nighttime lucid dreams and yogas can illuminate, eliminate fear, the primordial emotion  of samsara.

5. Interested in Universality

The practices of the night lead us to this unified field and awaken us to the universality of the human condition.  In truth, when we go to sleep, we actually going to meet every other sentient being on this planet, at this deepest possible level. We’re going to sleep together and rest in the same luxurious bed of the primal mind. Our job, when we arise each morning, is not to forget this nightly reunion.


Decode solar events

(Digital art by Tatiana Plahkova)
Notice solar events echo we are gathering and integrating more and more cosmic codes into our being. This awakens dormant senses, systems and upgrades our abilities to see more of what is unfolding from an expansive cosmic view. We are catching up with what part of us is already doing or being in higher energy states. Telepathy is coming online. Deja-vu is no longer about past and present. As we connect with more of True Self, we tune into our movements between timelines with deeper awareness. We shift from seeing dream recall in linear terms to expand into streams of energy. Everything is lining up. We see where things are heading before we get here. As we raise our frequency, we receive more information, see clearly what we are doing, flowing through and between dimensions. We can interface with trees, plants and flowers in Nature and suddenly sense we travel through them. We come to see ourselves as a bridge between worlds, a receiver adn transmitter of energetic information we use to expand. We say telportation, remote viewing, streams of consciousness, and see ourselves travelling along energetic grids. This is expanding our cosmic memory, altering how we view ourselves in this and other timelines, where we have lived and are living, which bodies we have held and what we see unfolding now. As we heighten our sensitivities, we notice what is beyond words. Each experience is equally important in the process or remembering True Being. As open Source within evolves, we always function based on level of consciousness. We never interact with anything we are not ready for. We can move through any dimension or timeline. The more light we hold in our body, the more the Truth reveals itself in our awareness. Each of us controls the pace of our own evolution and how closely we listen to intuition. 



Moving beyond addiction

The subject of addiction is a popular topic for mediation. Ponder the the following:

"You look very insecure, sitting up there in your tree", said one highly-ranked Chinese official to a Ch'an master who enjoyed his life perched in the treetops. "Oh ho, good sir, YOU look very insecure to ME, down there on the ground!" replied the delighted master.

This often referenced Chan story contains a message which, we are told, the official was wise enough to understand. It was the official, whose life and fortune depended upon external favour and considerations, who was insecure. These were his unconscious addictions, the foundation upon which his life was built, on "shifting sands". It was his attachment to these external conditions that created his insecurity, his instability and restlessness.


One day, the Buddha and his monks were walking down a road and were confronted by a frantic and miserable farmer racing down the road. He stopped them, saying "Good monks, I have lost my oxen, they were travelling this way. Did you see them?" The Buddha sadly replied, "No, we have not seen them. Perhaps they took the fork in the road back there." At this, the farmer wailed and continued his complaint. "Only this summer, locusts ate all my crops? What will I do?" and he ran crying down the road. The Buddha watched him go, and turned to his friends, saying "Dear monks, do you know how lucky you are? You never have to worry about your oxen or crops."

Thought and memory are the same. Until we know the difference between thought and awareness, no clarity arises. We are taught to take for granted our memories constitute who we are. Yet, 'who I am' in this moment, is not a thought. It is unrelated to what we think we have ot not. Rather, it is felt. As we are fully present, all that exists is awareness. Who is being aware? The monks know Being and no-One are the same, that is, everything. No-One is everybody. We cannot allow awareness to arise if we keep reverting to memory. The moment we feel a lack within, we feel separate, incomplete, like something is wrong or missing. This leads to addiction, the perceived need to fill a void. We do everything in our power to fill it, talk about it, do something to enable us to feel good about ourselves.

Alcoholism or other addictions allow people to experience what it is to feel uninhibited freedom. Becoming addicted to dark thoughts keeps one focused on and perpetuating the focus on the pain body. Until we realize the very nature of being is infinite. It cannot be destroyed. We forget we are whole, awareness. This starts the sense of lack, which brings separation, and the need to fill a voice from which emerges addiction and fear.  We are not afraid of something. We are simply fear. This fear exists because we are convinced something is lacking. We have lost trust not only in others but also ourselves.  The thought arises how could I be free of addiction? There is the amnesia of what is universal. You cannot prove it, you can only live it.

Similarly, when a person wants to know about love, he may read books, watch movies and hear about other people's experiences Yet, One does not know what love is until one begins to feel love, feel the love inside the self. Until he tastes love, feels it inside himself, he cannot know it.  Truth is not something we can prove. It is self-evident. We exist. When we wish to prove, we revert to memory and get lost in the quagmire.  As long as we live grounded in memory, we will fear death, old age, sickness , of so many things, everything.

The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results", says Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Jesus too said that the Kingdom of Heaven is ever-present. Of course, the problem is, everyone is not always fully present. We are in the future, we are in the past, we are in our memories, we are in our anxieties, we are in our fantasies! Why? Because we are attached to our story; our personal narrative. We play it inside our head constantly. As we cook, we daydream. As we drive, we fantasize. As we work, we consider what better job there is for us out there. And as we love, we all too often do the same thing. So rarely are we simply aware of what we do, simply mindful.


Recognize who you are

Come to your own recognition about who you are.  Do not listen to anything the mind comments about this.  Thoughts are created and perceived to invite you to notice who you are not.   Something watches thoughts. Do not focus on memory.  Even this is imagined.  Do not accept what you are told, what you read or believe.  Look deeper.

Something observes the gradual losing of the identity.  Notice what you are not losing importance and fading out of your scope of awareness.  Certain labels and self perceptions are irrelevant and disappear. You give up sports training and no longer view yourself as a competitive athlete. Everything is and yet your focus goes from general to specific and gradually to nothing.  You can say you are not what you do, not "X, Y, or Z" but what is left? Who can appear and see without you? Sense it in silence.

"We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness." - Michael Beckwith


Decode the secret of the universe

As you read here, you are ready to click the link below to watch a five part series that may rock your world. It may fundamentally change how you see what is going on around you and within.  In essence, it lays out how we actually live in a holographic universe. So, the reality you are taught to believe and struggle to fit into does not exist.

As you come to sense everything comes down to an electromagnetic impulse, you may be compelled to research further.  Do what feels right. If what you find does resonate, you may ask how you could you be so accepting to take it all in and what could possibly be next? You are not the only one. When you ask, answers are given.

As you awaken to a version of the truth that defies what is designed by the mind, you may wonder who can fix it.  This is only because your points of reference or grounding are projected by the mind and you are conditioned to fear what is beyond mind.  The real solution invites you to deepen connections with people around you.  Call it a dream if you choose, but there is more to your current perceived existence that the left brain and five senses reveal. This is already proven by Science, but it is rarely within conscious awareness of majority of poulation. People tend to turn a blind eye. You? 

The external world shares its secrets about matter through vibration.  Research is beginning to reveal  water is picking up information in the world, sharing and perceiving this over time as we use water and interact in natural ecosystems. What happens as you discover everything is energy and you can shift your energetic state more consciously? What happens as you sense something has taken acttion to stifle your innate abilities or blocked your access to them? How? Why is this coming to your attention now? That is for you to discern. Everything has perfect timing.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla