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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmos (7)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Destruction Series

Dream Series:

In the first vivid dream, I see my husband abandoning me for someone else.  I feel the deepest pain.

In the second dream, i see from high above the great wave of water coming on the town. I think how to help when water is already flooding everything. My view is far higher than some high building/mountain looking down.

In the third dream, the vision of some kind of construct. On the both sides they were like flat Earth planes and than many planets on both sides and something in between.This middle space i cannot recall. 


In a nutshell, the theme of separation is presented in examples on personal, planetary and cosmic levels.  At each level, the perspective is from a different level of the Sun- the inner sun or sacred heart, the cosmic sun and galactic sun.  At each level, resistance presents to change.   Moving through 5 key wounds (rejection, abandonment, humiliation, injustice, betrayal) and healing is the path to love, acceptance, wholeness. The god Shiva is to be united with Shakti.  Life or Earth re-balances or recalibrates. Peace arises at each level. 

The body-mind complex (pindanda) means microcosm while the word Brahmanda means macrocosm. We often hear the phrase, 'whatever is there in the microcosm is also there in the macrocosm'.

Another way of seeing here reminds us all humans have centres of energy also called Chakras. An Yogi can by mantra japa pierce these Chakras in the sushumna nadi inside his spine. The question is how does an Yogi benefit from piercing these Chakras. Well, turns out that these Chakras in the human body-mind complex (pindanda) have their correspondence in the cosmic Lokas or planes. As the Yogi ascends chakra by chakra, he passes through the corresponding Lokas. Sir John Woodroffe in his book, 'The Serpent Power', presents the following table that shows the correspondence:

  • Muladhara Bhuvarloka
  • Svadhisthana Svarloka
  • Manipura Maharloka
  • Anahata Janaloka
  • Visuddhi TapalokaAjna Satya or Brahm
  • aloka (One who attains to Sahasrara goes beyond all Lokas.)

Turns out, 'whatever is in the macrocosm is in the microcosm' is not seen as scientific truth. We are not made of dark matter or dark energy. What surprises a Yogi as he keeps piercing each chakra is that the human being is built similar to the plan of the universe or the cosmos. This is why the Yogi by leading his shakti to each Chakra can access the equivalent loka of the 14-loka universe. There is no way a priori that any body could have predicted that. This similarity of the microcosm with the macrocosm at the deepest level is the surprise. Just as the universe is built of 14-lokas or planes, so are we. Whatever we have is also there in the universe.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations on single and multiple dreams and we also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course.  Contact us.


Decode the upheavals

Notice ongoing upheavals in our lives, the Earth and cosmos, echo an unprecedented opportunity for inner growth. As we expand consciousness, we get honest with ourselves about what is no longer working or serving us, take steps toward conscious change. Denial or repression of who we are causes misery. Keeping busy, gettting lost in addictions, is not an effective solution. We can progress from thinker to talker and doer to being. As we remember more, we recognize, dismantle patterns, activate more of our true abilities, create space for what we blocked, believed was not real or possible. We stay confused, hit rock bottom or endure rebirth. To realize we need not prove our worth, allows us to shap out of it.
At the perfect moment, we recognize we are consciousness with the potential to change matter. It dawns it is our decision how we look at the past, future or any moment. The nature of focus has power to alter perception and shift timelines. How we mentally review or describe a given event changes the vibration of an experience, reorders us at a cellular level, changes how life unfolds since then.
Such energy shifts create space in the mind for a new era of travel. Imagine moving along planes of consciousness, between realms initially seen and unseen. What may seem unreal or denied by the ego and physical senses is very real to a larger part of us or the Oversoul that orchestrates the whole thing. Imagine travelling freely without passports, without barriers or restrictions that have us buy into illusory limitations. Imagine the implications of unlimited being.
Those who are ready energetically are guided, taken to places best suited to their own vibration and potential for expansion. Staying open and receptive allows us to get excited about new possibilities that unfold beyond a purely mental journey of ideas. Being in harmony energetically is what transforms visions from a level of heresay into the energy flows of direct spontaneous experience.
As light, soul travel already occurs interdimensionally, here and now. Deja-vu offers a sample glimpse of wrinkles in timelines. We discover the experience of multidimensional being from the point we stop believing this as a mere possibility and shift into awareness of the only real option. To know and be unified with all that is is to know wholeheartedly who is in charge of reality and take full and complete responsibility for what is.
Turns out, light and technology move faster than the human mind can fathom. Imagine creating worlds faster than blinks of an eye. The imperative is to master the mind. Self-mastery changes the game. Time- space, wormholes, portals, stargates, leylines, grid realities, all begin to align out of pixelation as part of passing thru the zero point (the veil), on many layers and fractals. The big secret is. humans have mastery in our DNA. Learning to activate it is a test.



Allow quantum shifts

Notice as we grow conscious of our Higher Self through self-healing, energetic portholes or stargates open to connect us with co-existing worlds and dimensions that are part of the totality of our DNA. These multidimensional realities are revealed to us to allow deeper exploration of True self, those worlds that no longer exist as well as emerging universes. Rebalance, realign and accelerate quantum shifts. Trust inner guidance. Perception expands as we allow more energetic realities the come through.


(Digital Artist:Unknown)


You are the key to the door

Notice expansion of consciousness begins dimly where one perceives nothing of other objects and beings, but only inner experiences of one's own Soul. As perception develops, it grows creative. As maturity and integrity occur, multidimensional perception emerges. One begins to discern a wider spectrum of colours, sounds and textures. The coalescing of once familliar senses allows one to begin to tune into diverse roles being played in the big picture. Innersight or psychic consciousness arises based on energetics. The nature of the endocrine system and its role in our optimal functioning of Being enters awareness. Through ceremony and spiritual practices, biocircuitry illuminates to come online. As vibration rises, remembering deepens. The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, the less you need to eat to sustain yourself. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and emotions are easily managed. As self-trust grows, the nature of energy centres, planetary, pyramid and star grids, as well as what is required to reactivate them, enters conscious awareness. It dawns certain structures and beings are invisible to the senses until one can handle the flow of intense energy required to illuminate one's inner circuit board. Only those vibrating at extremely high frequencies match the frequencies of crystal temples and pyramids and can enter sacred rooms. Certain higher vibrational temple doorways emit a long white flame. Imagine a cosmic gateway, which links this planet to other galaxies and also acts as a direct link to the Divine Source. HUmanity has reached a point when different versions of Earth are arising. It is imperative to come to understand the energetic nature celestial bodies and their meaning to us. They are the language of our consciousness and the path for different advanced technologies. Choosing love is choosing to work directly with your consciousness and Spirit. Entering into dialogue with beings that are currently beyond the widespread level of collective perception, can guide one to deeper inner knowing that is always available to everyone.



Tune into True Nature

Notice tuning into the pulse of the ocean allows us to listen differently, grow aware and recall our True Nature. It dawns that playing in the Sun, feeling sand ooze between the toes, listening to wave sounds, creating sand balls, stumbling upon crabs and jellyfish, collecting sea shells, is all part of getting back in touch with simplicity, with what really matters and is ever-present. Everything is a cosmic mirror inviting us to love ourselves more.