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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in light (45)


Awaken to connections

As you begin to join the dots in life, you begin to see everything is connected by and through systems.  Its magical. The more you let go of becoming, the more you surrender to being.  Nature is a perfect reflection of divine essence.  As you stop trying to find connections, you awaken to patterns.  Notice everything speaks to and through you.  Watch what happens as you let go of a sense of being different than what you think you see.  This allows you to feel likeness in a new ways.  Notice who shares space with infinity.  You share air, water, earth, universes with everything. Listen closely to silence and energy vibrations.  Everything is living, radiating light.  By being honest with yourself, and you honour the Earth.  Imagine you are evolving into new states of being.  Be the God you are.  Embody truth, love and oneness.


No explanation is necessary

Notice what life is like.  Notice what is common to everything.  Notice what you are resisting and allowing.  Whatever you think is not possible, whatever mind tells you it cannot do reveals resistance and conditioned beliefs.  Notice what it feels like to exist when no explanation is necessary. Questions answer themselves. Be aware that images, vibration and light energy express what words cannot.  Everything invites one to talk less and listen more with the heart.


Be wholesome

Be yourself.  That is, be wholesome, sound, resonate peace, contentment and well-being.  Ask yourself what wholesome feels like and what the mind says this means to you.  Notice whether this invites you to alter points of reference.  Then, recall the essence of love.

Take a moment. Notice words you use to describe yourself. Notice whether you allow people and the external world control how you think and feel. Recognize you are taught to fixate on points and you can also adjust your mental filters. What prevents you from  seeing more clearly though the lens of the open heart? Sense a shimmering light.  How does that feel?


Open the door of the heart

Notice what happens as you think you must open the door of the heart. In truth, no door or barrier exists to prevent access to the heart.  Compassion and kindness are innate nature. What you are truly made of is clear: ever-evolving flavours and tastes.

Allow yourself to be creation.  Surrender.  See through divine senses, experience life and the world through the omniscient lens of soul. You need no other moment to focus upon.  Notice mental conditioning distracts you from a heart that is always open.  Be aware of what you feel in the now. Say, " I am now." Your divine light shining through everything. Every aspect of your life is a mirror that triggers deep revelations.


Be in the Moment

Be in the Moment. Listen to the silence. Identify with the soul right now. Know that more exists than the physical senses permit the human being to perceive. What you notice as changing presents itself in front of that which is static and unchanging.  Allow the feeling of being to consume and emerge and reveal itself.  Allow the thoughts of the person you are to die in this moment. Be the incredible timeless light that is here. 

"The quieter you become, the more you can hear.  Realms exist other than the one we are meeting on.”Ram Dass

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