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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Know words are irrelevant

Consider no limits exist to what you can experience when you move outside resistance. On many levels, you have no words to describe what you are already experiencing. Feel rather than describe. Words are a byproduct of vibration. You attract based on your energy and your words.

The words you use reflect your state of mind. Knowing is a state of being. Without analysis, you are releasing levels of resistance beyond conscious awareness. Silent blockages disperse easily. Talk about discomfort, you give it energy, the blockage gets bigger and more irritating. You notice physical senses are vibrational interpreters. As you allow it, you sense beyond that. Go where you do not require words.They lose importance.

As you come to that place where words are less relevant, you just know. This is merging with who you are. You are awakening to the opportunities and experiences you receive without consciously feeling them fully. Allow them to fill you. It only matters you grasp it. Timeless beauty and wisdom reach you. What other people do or do not take on-board is irrelevant.


See the unseen

Some people set out to do what others describe as 'impossible.'  Notice whether what other people say about you encourages you to have more faith in and trust yourself or evokes fear and defensiveness.  Consider how your essence of being responds as you decide to focus on seeing the unseen, smelling the odorless and hearing silence.  Engage your imagination like never before and discover where you are.  When you impose no limits or parameters, the worlds you experience transport you beyond this.


Be happy as you are

Many people ask the question, 'what does it take to be me?'  The thing is, being requires no thought or effort.  Just stop telling the self that you are something you are not.

To accept what you know and do not know is to be willing to accept what you cannot always define or explain.  This is about not trying to be someone in particular, not trying to appease others or, obtain their approval for your choices.  You have the capacity to give up reacting to form and emotion completely.

1) As someone defines you, he only limits himself, not you.

2) Someone else's judgment is that person's alone.

3) Among infinite choices, you can opt to be fully present.  

4) To realize you are independent of form is an awakening.

5) Pure joy emerges from formless realms inside the real you.