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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in senses (9)


Review common sense

Review your view of common sense. This is nothing more than a set of collective beliefs or prejudices that evolves based on widespread acceptance.  Notice where you refer to common sense, resonate with it or not. Notice where you think and feel in ways that disconnect or alientate you from common sense. This births of your own uniqueness. Notice to what degree you accept and explore or resist and reject yourself. 

Imagine you are energy, and the universe. You do not find intelligent organisms living in an unintelligent environment.  A rose bush in a garden produces rose bushes.  A tree in a forest produces pinecones.  Energy in the universe produces people.  We emerge in the world like vegetation births new life in Nature. In this way, we are one in the same.

That is, you may view yourself as arising from the world or the light from which all things begin.Everything depends on the attitude you take towards the world. If you ground your thinking in common sense, that is common view of what is possible, accepted and real, you limit yourself and do not allow self to realize potential and see the bigger picture. If however, you relish the flow and evolution of life, opportunity and dreams, all is always unfolding perfectly. All is well already. Expanding senses are not always consciously recognized.  Awareness of what is arises when one is receptive.

Recognize though, that you do not have to see something to make it real.  What is real for one person may feel more or less real to another.  Imagine self-acceptance is common.


Impossible to ignore

Notice what happens as you do your best to form a conscious relationship with all that is good. You focus your attention on uplifting thoughts, on activities that enable you to feel good about yourself. Suddenly, you have more and more direct experiences that reveal to you what is impossible to ignore. The obvious invites you to be more aware of the nature of your own metamorphosis. You look for the path or bridge you are already on.

Its like a breath of fresh air.  You feel the release of clarity, of sensations, feelings, signs and synchronicities that all point to something the conditioned mind refuses to believe.  You sense you are receiving something hard to define but you know with increasing certainty how it feels.  Everything is a silent teacher inviting you to trust yourSelf more.  

In essence, you are shifting from a logic and reasoning-based existence to something that feels like it cannot be physically explained. Standing back gives you insight into real stability. You begin to realize that your beliefs create a mental image and your attention focuses the thought energy to hold your perceptions together. Beyond what you think you see, vibration is behind what is emerging in your physical experience.

The heart knows when you desire to know something, the universe gives you evidence of it. Unconsciousness may deny it but awareness confirms it. Open the senses. Recognize the nature of the journey expands based on your attention. As you focus on different ways love presents in your life, what you feel is impossible to ignore. Through appreciation, inner power quietly makes itself known. What do you feel is impossible to ignore?

"You can measure the impeccability of your word by your level of self-love. How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. When you are impeccable with your word, you feel good; you feel happy and at peace." - Don Miguel Ruiz


Travel anywhere

It can be a fun exercise to take out a globe or another kind of map and choose places to visit. Dream your way there using all senses. Perhaps you have deja-vu, like you feel as though you have been somewhere in particualr before and are going back.  Imagine that  you are able to travel anywhere, without limits.  What sort of adventure would you undertake?


See beyond the obvious

Some people talk incessantly about what the physical senses define as reality. For them, the obvious is obvious. Life is unfolding and the script is playing out beyond them.

Another perspective holds that people are not powerless to alter the unfolding script of life. To them, seeing beyond the obvious is to recognize they are constanly changing and evolving, relating to life events differently. they do not have to know but feel their way along.  They figure what they do not know, what is not yet obvious or clear, is perfect.

Part of you is oblivious to the obvious. This offers additional possibilities and perspectives. What do you feel? What would prompt you to shift beyond what the mind tells you is obvious? Listen to soul-level vibration. As you are in the process of healing, expanding and growing or perceptions of life change, everything you do serves you to the degree you allow. Identify all your feelings. Notice how they catapult you intoa wider connection with life.


See the unseen

Some people set out to do what others describe as 'impossible.'  Notice whether what other people say about you encourages you to have more faith in and trust yourself or evokes fear and defensiveness.  Consider how your essence of being responds as you decide to focus on seeing the unseen, smelling the odorless and hearing silence.  Engage your imagination like never before and discover where you are.  When you impose no limits or parameters, the worlds you experience transport you beyond this.