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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in mindfulness (39)


Make sense of emotions

Notice how emotions unfold in your life, how you react or respond to the world around you.   Notice where emotions come from.  Track them back to see how they arise.  Sense how, why they build up.  What do they teach you? What do they invite you to see within yourself?

Notice how you respond to others as they confront you, get emotional or remain indifferent toward you. Eleanor Roosevelt reminds you that nobody can intimidate you without your consent. If you do not choose to be afraid, then fear cannot touch you. The apparent reasons for fear cannot last unless you believe in them and allow them to control your thoughts.

Notice whether you allow your emotions to escalate and affect your health and well-being or, whether you observe quietly, respond slowly and calmly, to whatever unfolds in your life. What if its all a test? To respond without anxiety or agitation is to exhibit what peace is all about.  You help others to know peace as you respond from this state of being yourself.

Why is it do you figure that people often focus on negative emotions and complaints? It comes back to creating unskillful thought patterns. Each of us has a choice to be mindful and to understand the origins of our thoughts and emotions. If you are angry or afraid, ask why. Every emotion is a pointer to the only emotion heart knows- unconditional love.

Consider that you always have opportunities to respond differently to comments and behaviours than you are taught. Be aware of emotional triggers and conditioned habits that do not serve you.  Fear and anger flow away as you view them as the teachers they are. Be aware that peace is itself an emotion that empowers and inspires you, come what may.

"Everytime you allow someone to trigger a negative emotion or anger or ill will, you do not have to follow that path. Why do you get angry? Anger arises from a series of agitations you think about or dwell upon. Anger is like a fire. It starts like a spark. If you catch it quickly, its easy to put out.  Through your mindfulness, awarenss and mental training, it is not hard to transcend emotions like anger, frustration and grief.  Its not a training of will power, but of wisdom power to see where things come from so you can catch them earlier." -Ajahn Brahm


Drop the self-deception

Much of the process of mindfulness is about touching the immediacy of the present moment, the quality of experience as it is. Notice how you can be attentive to whatever arises, to contact and feel infinite forms directly.  Open to notice who you are and what you do. What happens as you stay with it, trust more fully?

Many people are conditioned to be distracted from the present.  Meditation is a way to shift focus back to what is unfolding now.  It helps you realize why you may numb out or turn away from discomfort.

Remind self that if you do not get-to-know fear, then you do not understand fearlessness. You cannot drop conditioning without getting-to-know fear, surrendering and letting go of old ways of thinking and behaving.  You do not evolve alone. Your pain is not a dream.  It connects you with everything. Suffering dissipates as you choose not to focus on the ego self.  How you use beliefs invites you to see alternatives.

As you wish for others to be happy, as you wish for unconditional friendliness toward self, mind and emotions, then you also radiate acceptance out toward others. As you self-reflect, choose to see through your thoughts and feelings, you develop compassion. What unfolds no longer scares you.  Judgment fades.  You develop trust and strength. Insight into all feelings mirrors what other people feel and deeply connects you.  Let things evolve at their own speed. Drop ideals and concepts. There is nothing to measure up to.


Absorb the Warrior's Prayer

No human being can think themselves into surrender. Each person is slowly beginning to step back and witness what is unfolding within and around them. This is a process of entering into mindfulness and moving beyond it. Consider the impact of this soundtrack and poetic message on your energy vibration and soul. How do you choose to respond?


What would you tell soul?

Imagine yourself with a single sheet of paper. The soul of who you are has the opportunity to leave you a written message that you will find when you incarnate into physicality in the future with selective amnesia.   What would you say?

Story Waters writes himself this message:

You are amazing.  You are the creation of yourself.  You are that which creates.  You are the choice to experience existence, beingness.  The only limit to what you can be is your self-belief and your imagination.  To be born into this reality is to enter a wonderful shared illusion that grants you complete free will for the creation of your own personal reality.  This is your creatorship.  Within the illusion, we believe we are looking at a separate objective world where we experience self and other. 

Beneath this apparent separation, we are unified.  We are one.  Reality is a mirror of your being. You are creation exploring itself in a space-time mirror  Through what you choose to believe, you create your reality.  You change your reality by changing your beliefs about both it and yourself.  The eyes with which you look actually shape what you see.  This is shown now in quantum physics.  Perception is not passive, it is an act of creation.  Your choice of perception forms not only how you experience yourself, but your entire reality. 

Awakening to your creatorship leads your experience of reality to become more fluid and direct.  This is to enter conscious creatorship where what you desire is quickly manifest. The key to conscious creatorship is the allowance of change, the birthing of the unknown into the known.  The basis of allowance is acceptance.  To change your reality, you must first accept it.  As long as you reject what you do not like about your reality, you are in denial of your creatorship, leaving you feeling stuck.  If you accept that you are choosing your reality, you release attachment to any preconception of how life should be and instead, love what is.  This comes from taking responsibility for every element of your reality.   

This is to love your choice, to love yourself, and you are the choice of yourself.  Release your fear.  Fear is fear of the unknown, fear of being limitless.  Fear creates limitation.  There is a natural, beautiful, unfolding to light, that can only arise as you let go of control that arises through fear.  To face your fear is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and pull down the shields you have used to protect yourself.  All shields are a representation of belief in danger and therefore lead you to the very danger you would like them to protect you from.   Whilst you are barricaded behind shields, you never truly feel safe.

All the blocks you enlife is the manifestation of fear.  The discovery of freedom is the realisation that the only force pushing aginst you is you.  You hold the key to any cage you may be in.  To cease to judge and control your own being is to release struggle and enter joyful, effortless creation.  You are awakening to your creatorship and the nature of the illusion. This is a natural process and requires nothing more than fearlessly being yourself.  This means opening and following your heart.  This is your freedom.  Believe whatever your heart feels to believe.  This is to live in the now. 

It is to awaken to the equality of all beingness and release judgment about yourself and the world. Ever-changing truth is a reflection of the ever-unfolding birth of beingness that is life.  In this state, there is no such thing as the truth.  There is no need of an answer for there is no problem. Just be.  There are no limits to what you can be.  You are infinite.  The joy of this light arises through completely allowing your own being.  Within your heart is a dream. 

The meaning of life is to live that dream.  You can only live that dream if you believe you can.  Believe in your dream.  You are free to be whatever it is you wish to be.  You are an embodiment of all creation. The answer to every question you can conceive is within you, for you are both the creator and receiver of all you experience.  Allow your beingness to blossom without limitation and control and you will experience the limitless love and freeom that you are.       

 For more on Story Waters, consult

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