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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in distraction (5)


Awaken Energetic Nature

Notice everything unfolding in our midst is inviting us to awaken to the energetic nature of the phenomenal plane and the big picture. Only as we reach a level of insight can consciousness arise out of its limited body vehicle to enter a wider field of awareness and know liberation. The growing institutional, local, national, global market upheavals foreshadow the dissolution of the familiar, many levels of destruction and change, many of which are unfathomable in mind.

Part of the job of yogi, and all who are ready, is to ground self in a state of peace to hold space for the external crumbling of systems and conditioning we have outgrown. Soul is aware no chaos exists at the level of Infinite Self. It is transitioning from one age of human consciousness to another. The old paradigm, old ways of functioning, must fade, dissolve so a higher vibrational state can arise. Only then can the fear of death, loss and duality of our world be recognized as a portal to the birth of a new world free of the kinds of conflicts and illusions that led to this period of transition.

In a nutshell, time is of the essence. We need an extremely direct path to self-love and acceptance. Not much time for pilgrimage walks, ashram stays or reading libraries of books, taking courses. Destruction is happening and the familiar is fading fast. Surrender to love. Stop time travelling between the ears. Ideas of past and future reside only in the mind. They are illusion. Willingly let go of all that has been taught as distraction. Bravely sit to face yourself. 

To graduate from this level of reality, now is the moment to get the spiritual knowledge of the most profound sages of our planetary history. Embody their wisdom. Turn inward. See things as they are. Shapeshifting happens quickly to those who are wholehearted.


Get back on track

Notice when you give your undivided attention to something.  Notice how often this happens.  You likely notice your attention is dissipated on many things. What message are you sending to yourself when multi-tasking does not bring balance, when you cannot recall who said what?

When the mind is focused on one thing, and you are physically engaged in something else, this brings trouble. Notice how it feels to be talking to someone who is not focused on your words. Many people get emotional without clarity of thought.  People can also think things without being aware of how they feel. Mental imbalance hinders the ability to fully engage and focus.

Distractions may seem like a normal part of life. Its easy to see disconnected thoughts and feelings in others. Yet, is it as easy to see in yourself? It may be time for more than one person to get back on track. How you communicate with others and how they interact with you are pointing to what you can do to strengthen communication and relationships.  Notice what you get absorbed in, and how your behaviours and the behaviours of others are actually helping you.


Be a conscious dreamer

Every moment, even while apparently awake, you are dreaming.  While asleep, the daytime activity is no longer a distraction and you may be more alert than asleep. During daytime, the dreaming continues. You are conscious and aware or not.  So you have selective awareness? Why is that? And what is to be done about it?

Consider celestial bodies you only see with physical eyes during night or daytime. These celestial bodies do not disappear when suppressed by sunlight or hidden by the darkness.  They always exist.  They echo conscious dreaming.

It all comes back to being aware of who you are.  Have you ever met "you"? Are you aware? The seeker answers and the finder does not. What happens when there is no dreaming? Illusion is absorbed.  The 'you' disappears and all that is left is pure space.   If someone asks, say nothing.  Dreaming is the film. You mirror the world.



Allow your expansion

Your invite everyone you encounter. How you view each one is up to you.  Nothing external affects how you feel inside unless you allow that.  As you choose to feel vibrational reality, and you focus there, then emotions do not distract you from the big picture.  Fare ye well. Wisdom allows you to access and be happiness regardless of what happens.  Taste it.  Allow nothing to affect peace of mind. Keep things in perspective.

Regardless of what you see in the external world, how you choose to feel determines what unfolds. You cannot find what you do not believe. You do not experience what you do not feel. Release resistance to what is actual in a vibrational reality.  What you seek is never lost. Know it exists.  You feel it into being. Expect the perfect unfolding.  Restore faith and trust. You deprive yourself only through your focus or patterns of thought. Do not bend the truth to fit you.  Be awake.  See life as it truly is. Clarity is here already.


Drop the self-deception

Much of the process of mindfulness is about touching the immediacy of the present moment, the quality of experience as it is. Notice how you can be attentive to whatever arises, to contact and feel infinite forms directly.  Open to notice who you are and what you do. What happens as you stay with it, trust more fully?

Many people are conditioned to be distracted from the present.  Meditation is a way to shift focus back to what is unfolding now.  It helps you realize why you may numb out or turn away from discomfort.

Remind self that if you do not get-to-know fear, then you do not understand fearlessness. You cannot drop conditioning without getting-to-know fear, surrendering and letting go of old ways of thinking and behaving.  You do not evolve alone. Your pain is not a dream.  It connects you with everything. Suffering dissipates as you choose not to focus on the ego self.  How you use beliefs invites you to see alternatives.

As you wish for others to be happy, as you wish for unconditional friendliness toward self, mind and emotions, then you also radiate acceptance out toward others. As you self-reflect, choose to see through your thoughts and feelings, you develop compassion. What unfolds no longer scares you.  Judgment fades.  You develop trust and strength. Insight into all feelings mirrors what other people feel and deeply connects you.  Let things evolve at their own speed. Drop ideals and concepts. There is nothing to measure up to.