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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in mindset (3)


5 Insights for Smoother Transitions

More and more people are going through transitions or life changes at an accelerated rate.  It may be the prospect of a geographic move, a job change, relationship endning or transformation, acquiring of a new pet or some other shift that is playing on your mind.  Should you or not? Consider 5 insights for smoother transitions:

1. Take advantage of a change of scenery

If you contemplate change in some area of your life yet still hesitate taking action, stepping out of your comfort zone temporarily can give you new perspective. A short trip away, house sit or farm stay may offer what you require to clear your head and see things from a more neutral or objective point of view.

2. Consider body issues.

Where your body is not functioning at optimum level, this invites exploring new approaches to sleep, hydration, regular exercise, possible fitness programs and nutrition. If ingestion, digestion or elimination raise issues, exploring possible intolerances could be beneficial. Changing diet, exploring the nature of body consumption could alos lead to positive effects. 

3.  Address mindset.

When change is in the air, its important to have a mindset that is encouraging, supportive and reassuring. Change does not always happen as fast as part of you might like.  Patience is a virtue that comes through experiience. Every moment, your thoughts and feelings are directing every moment of your life.  

4.  Meditate on it.

Meditation is about savouring joy in your life, finding blessings wherever you are.  Its about allowing yourself to remember what it is to be in this moment, to find peace and tranquility or feel centred amidst external change. 

5. Engage in spiritual practices.

Many spiritual practices exist that promote clairity in other areas of life.  Dreamwork, soulwork, sound baths and alternative healing approaches can enable you to purify congested energy fields and truly see the light.


Be open to change

Notice twhat happens as we are open to changes in thoughts, beliefs and perception . Technology exists to help rebuild or rewire "broken" human brains, broken, in they have been disconnected from ley lines, planetary, interplanetary and interstellar grids, as well as systems that would otherwise facilitate optimal energetic function. We are the technology we have been waiting for. Our current co-creation in the 3-D is expanding dramatically due to incoming light codes and energetic upgrades that promote consciousness shifts. The light codes inform us of who we are beyond the illusory, distorted paradigm. We are evolving to remeber and integrate the codes of the transcendental human able to access any timline or energy level. Creativity is to be the solution the the current mindset. That is being brought forth by "aware" individuals as well as organisations seen and unseen. We are being helped and helping ourselves in ways that echo Divine grace. As we move into our own individual transitions in consciousness, in the heart, we know certain changes in our lives must be made. As we make choices about how we perceive our current or emerging selves, we automatically shift into a parallel reality that matches the frequency of the choice we have made. We connect with those who have the same overgoal. Energetic shifts may be so minute that they go undetectable. Or, the far -reaching impact of new conscious choices may be very noticable and boggle your mind. Reaching advanced levels of vibration and perspective, allows our consciousness to interact on different levels and dimensions. The point arises where we transition into a higher form, some would say consciousness on a higher level. As you reach that level, you realize the unseen is not simply part of you, it is always here, interacting with you, whether it be in the dream state, channelled, transcribred in automatic writing, communicating though art or penetrating the physical and subler senses. We only make contact with energies that are at our vibration of consciousness or we pass out, short our inner circuit board for safety. For instance, if one operates at the octo-consciousness level, one tunes into being who operate at this same frequency, much like varied others. Each of us only ever tunes into what we are ready and willing to integrate into an expanded version of reality. 


Restore your inner strength

For much of your life, you may have derived your self-worth from how you performed in the office, with romantic partners, in athletic competitions or, in some other area of your life.  Even if you haven't been consciously aware of it, you may have felt that the more professional or group recognition you gained, the more personal compliments were directed your way, the more money you earned, all determined your underlying value.  Are you the type of person who thinks, "the better I do, the more people will like me?" Is this the crux of your view of success?

If you've had thoughts like those described above, you may have accomplished things, but still miss out on a lot.  There's more to life than simply lving according to other people's criteria or how they think you should live.  Some of the most challenging experiences are those that trigger most personal revelations and initiate inner healing. 

If you have been frightened of making new decisions or taking initiatives, you may assume fate is in charge and there's no point in taking steps to shape your course.  You may not yet have realized its up to you to restore faith, trust and tap into existing inner strength.  Consider this:

1) You decide what comes of you mentally and spiritually.  Conditions such as lack of food, little sleep, and other disconcerting sources of stress, remind you that what becomes of you results from an inner decision.  Do you decide to give up, stop seeking solutions, and stop fighting or, do you decide external circumstances will not control your attitude? Just as you may experience the suffering sides of emotions, you can learn what it means to stop suffering just as soon as you formulate a convincing, multi-sensual, mental picture of what it means and believe. 

2) You can make use of or forgo opportunities.  Are you aware that your inner strength can raise you above your outward experiences?  You are confronted with fate, each time you have the opportunity to achieve and learn through suffering.  You can choose to face hardship in a courageous and dignified way, and value your health in whatever state or, see meaning in other perceived predicaments that challenge your comfort zone. Ask yourself how would whatever you sense is difficult in your life actually helping you? Embrace it.

3) You can decide to take spiritual evolution seriously.  Your free will and decisions shape your observations and how you understand success.  You determine how long you fear your circumstances, and when this destructive mindset will end.  Another way of seeing is to realize difficult situations are gifts that enable you to interpret life as an opportunity to grow beyond what the mind can teach you. Embrace the challenges where you perceive.  Shift your perception.  Turn your circumstances into the reason for your latest, inner triumph. Decidr to take spiritual evolution seriously. Respond with joy and stretch yourself.

"If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you." -T.S. Eliot