Revert to non-definition

Alter your perception. Recognize you conceal your true light. Revert to non-definition. Forget duality. Detach from emotions. Feel the energy and light of the heart. Notice your points of reference and be willing to let them go. Remember that clarity is a source that flows outward from you. It is a process of letting go of all beliefs and personality, all illusions and constructs that create and perpetuate fear.
Awaken to the reasons why you are here, why you chose this Earthly assignment and unfolding experience. This underlies social constructs and mental barriers. Realize you choose all labels you adopt and when you release them. Remember your innate connection to pure freedom and infinite life. As you know all is well, you align with yourself. No path is better than any other. All choices are equal. You resonate questions and answers. You feel your way back to the light. Revelations align. You resonate solutions, healing and clarity for yourself and others. You draw all situations to facilitate ongoing expansion.