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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in identity (28)


Grow into a wounded healer

Notice the shaman in pop culture images is widely portrayed as a tribal witch doctor, wearing exotic masks, using rattles, magic or nature spirits to heal others. True shamans beyond media may be misunderstood. Each is a wounded healer; having suffered through adversity and confronted inner demons. Shamans make the unconscious conscious to access innersights and act as an authentic guide for others so they light the way through their own darkness.
In essence, the shaman is a multidimensional seer, traveller, communicator. This being has ability to connect with spirits, animal guides, does things often forgotten by those disconnected from nature. Shamans assist others to release themselves from their own pain. In some ways, a shaman is a soul healer, not a body healer. Yet all division is illusion as body-mind-spirit are already unified.
So, to truly understand suffering, one must also have suffered, know what it feels like. Through trials and tribulation, each being is invited grow, learn, teach. The shaman is divinely guided to share personal lessons with those s/he works with to facilitate healing and vibrational shifts. Integration is journey back to wholeness.
On the path of knowledge, the shaman confronts layers of ego and undergoes ego deaths. It is ego that keeps us wanting more material things, that fuels jealousy, harms our self esteem by making us compare ourselves to others. Many equate ego with identity. By losing sense of self, we see the much bigger picture.
The key is expansion of consciousness. To allow this requires letting go of beliefs we are separate entities and recognizing we all echo one energy source. In this unity, we are much more aware of others feelings, interconnected experiences. By breaking down the ego, the shaman within each of us is able to put to rest selfish desires and focus energies on service. In doing so, the shaman within must die to self, be reborn multiple times. A series of literal and figurative deaths and rebirths shapes the shamanic path.



Imagine total disembodiment

Notice what it is to relax mind into state of total disembodiment. That is, allow the familliar reality to fall apart. The visual world fragments, first into a few large pieces as binocular fusion is broken, then into a few smaller fragments, and eventually, into many separate fragments of consciousness. This state differs from normal consensual reality. Most amazing is the total absence of the body from its normal place at the center of focus. As the world fragments, the body does too, disconnected pieces of the body seeming to exist independently in separate spaces, as if in different universes, like reflections from different shards of a shattered mirror.
And as the visual world totally fragments, all evidence of body vanishes. This is like a disembodied spirit, pure raw experience, just sensations of color, form, sound, light. It dawns its possible to snap back together again to a "normal" consciousness at will.
The geometric regularity of it all stands out. There is a powerful tendency for everything to reduce to ornamental patterns, geometrical arrangements of 3-D and multidimensional shapes, with rich periodic, symmetrical patterns in deep vibrant colors. The deeper one engages with sacred geometry, the simpler and more evocative the patterns are. As the body identity totally vanishes, these patterns are no longer external, but they are. I am the spatial patterns which create my experience. The recurrent symmetry in the mind's eye is somehow primal to experience. It is akin to an energetic grid, the origin of the holographic universe.



Shift focus and vibration

Notice what it feels like to accept this moment exactly as it is. It enriches awareness to see the impact of one's own split mind. Polarities co-exist and both require addressing. We cannot take credit for only the positive perceptions without also being responsible for the negative. Many egos and superegos co-exist with conflicting drives to act out tension, intention and attitudes. Delusion and fantasy feed a common urge to get rid of ego when neither ego/ supergo exist. Like: if "I" could only do this without feeling bad, it would be okay. False beliefs and restlessness persist when a robotic system is in charge. This drives one split self into many inner conflicts and postpones inner peace.
To the ego, what it wants is unattainable, yet it continues striving. Its real self that doesn't want any of that, is also unattainable. A depersonalisation process is the only way to be real. Ego must die for real self to emerge from behind the screen of projections. They take up space and most of our attention. Real self is empty background. The ego believes it is a real self in a real world and that time is real. Layers of illusion may have one feeling trapped.
To get beyond the Matrix (trap), the unreality of the ego belief system has to be completely dissolved. Only then can the vast emptiness be realized. Its not simply emptiness, but intelligence without narrative or preconceived ideas, without a context, paradigm, that shapes one's way of being. One must detach, distance self from everything until one knows one is nothing but pure presence. Only then can one fully engage and connect on a whole new level. Only then can unborn intelligence emerge to consciously operate the body without desire, fear, belief in a body or existence of an "external". All of this functions from the intelligence that is producing the illusion. Everything happens perfectly without glitches. Everything that arises in one's scope comes in perfect timing and sequence, to guide the unravelling.
Apparent glitches in the Matrix simply point to residue of samskara that produce a positive self image. One has to bring it into the nothingness so preconceptions no longer superimpose in your life that actually act instead of the real self. Complete reprogramming cannot arise in the mind. As Einstein says “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it."
On an energetic level, emotions play out in the first 3 assemblage points to give ego an identity, and safety valve for its otherwise explosive energies (often xpressed as "I will die or kill"). At the third assemblage point, energy can be harnessed into a more creative direction. Yet, this is only partial sublimation of intense energies. Unused energy is continually produced anf released. The first 3 assemblage points depend on "the other" and are never contented with 'oneself' or 'other.' Those energies must be released in dreams, art or negative actions.
As it is, only soul-level discernment brings recognition of the thinking capacity from a truly different point of awareness. You can think, feel and process reality, but when grounded in the first three assemblage points, you are engaging the imagination and not yet in the symbolic. They produce only emotional charges, reactions, desires, fears to act out, not capacity to sublimate consciousness to the source of the intellect and the ability to think clearly. Shifts in consciousness shift vibrational state of being and sense of reality.



Heal conflict naturally

Notice from the moment conflicts of the external world are recognized as symbolic of the conflicts within consciousness, we are no longer fazed or disturbed by events. Rather, we shift into a sense of energy flow. To expand consciousness is to rise energetically, and bring or reframe the whole world, which is the vibration of your thought. This can only happen as you purify ego consciousness. To be drawn out or extricated from adversity is to go beyond family, religious, socio-cultural context, to individuate, to leave behind the known, or easy comfort zone. We are invited to move forward on this journey alone. Sacrifical death and rebirth is where the identity of the ego is let go. Unless you come to face your own shadows, you continue to see them in others as the world outside simply mirrors what is inside. Shift instead to align with inner radiance.


Build energetic Soul muscle

(Image from
Notice one's capacity to tune into true feelings and find the strength to act on them is not about intellectual or emotional intelligence. Rather, our responses to perceived challenges reflect the Soul's strength, resilience, willingness to grow. The Soul builds energetic muscle through initiations and allowing oneself to feel deeply. Its about opening oneself to the pain, the sense of lack, and raw hurt from which our false identity is born, that broken aspect of self so Soul fragments are reintegrated. Through this opening, we enter the heart of our core wounding until it no longer generates solutions or distractions. One cannot turn away from Oneself forever. Go beyond All and exclude none. The heart can accommodate All. Any Light Code may be chosen to assist you by simply noticing how it makes you feel as you see it. You may be drawn to its color and shape or you may be attracted to its vibrational message. Whatever resonates is right for you.