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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in parallel universes (1)


6 Reasons you exist

This is the moment to review your life purpose, to recall different ways to understand why you are where you are, and not doing something else somewhere else.  This may strike you as a changing motivation at different life stages or, a hidden driving force
What would you say to discover deeper reasons for being are not limited to goals your mind creates during this lifetime? Revitalize yourself as you ponder 6 reasons why you exist:
1. to learn

What you learn is less important that the process you go through to see yourself and this world differently. You choose to exist to generate and give meaning to mental, emotional, physical and other experience, to process the lessons and relay the vibrational information back to Source.  You opt to know what it is like to explore different forms of expression as well as to recall what is necessary to assist you to learn and move beyond lessons in this lifetime.

2.  to expand perception 

Every moment, you are inviting yourself to grow aware that your reality and what is possible for you is only limited by your own mind.  What you can do, become, how you can build on or develop your self-knowledge and physical experience and qualifications is allowed or denied by you alone.  The deepest intelligence arises as illusions of separation (perceived gaps in time) fall away between who you think you are and what is rel and possible.  As perception expands, something greater than your body connects, you register new stimuli, and you grow aware you are in the midst of an increasingly conscious light body activation.

3. to know the mind is all powerful

This is a power that is in the process of coming abck to humans through time. We have allowed timeless insights to lay dormant inside ourselves and now is the moment to access them. This involves insight into how to self-heal and transcend all sense of fear which is the most limiting vibration inthis world.
4. to realize divine being

TAccepting divine being is about taking responsibility for all your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviours. This implies you begin to understand uncertainty is a gift you give yourself to grow.  We can choose to realize we are divine and experience life through love or imagine we are less than we are and make choices out of fear.  Whenever we act out of fear, we are reactive and judgemental instead of pro-active and loving.  Acting out of fear is an unconscious way of protecting ourselves from being hurt. This hurt is a vital lesson in the awareness of soul's power. We are each a generator, orchestrator and destroyer  (g.o.d.) of every aspect of our own reality. Owning all of it is empowering as it enables us to shift focal point from a whole new level.

5. to be aware you are creating new universes

As the truth hits and you know you are not the physical body, you exist beyond time and space and you are actually spirit or light energy (choosing to have a physcial experience), the way you view your expeirence on the holographic Earth changes dramatically. Consider when you send email or phone, the energy signal is received immediately.  You communicate regularly beyond time and space yet people you dialogue with are present with you in this moment (on the phone/ skype).  From the moment, you grow aware the past, present and future happen simultaneously, you feel it is all here now.  The life you are living is because you have lessons you still feel you need to learn.  Every choice you make and do not make creates parallel universes.
6. To feel everything is a call for love

Peace, security, acceptance arise spontaneously from simply knowing this.  Being awake or expanding consciousness is not something you accomplish or earn as a reward for effort as ego has you believe.  This moment is complete in and of itself.  Everything you sense and feel is offering a message about love or invites loving yourself more. View everything as a mirror.  Notice whatever you do not like or resist around you is a reflection of what you resist loving about yourself.  Every life circumstance is a learning situation.  This is an opportunity to retrain your thinking into compassionate mindful living. Recognize and release your inner conflict and know you create everything in your life for a reson you can decode for yourself.