Notice each of us can deepen our connection to the Sun by initiating and accelerating a process of photosynthesis within our own body. This is a path to light body activation. Sungazing at sunrise and sunset is one way to access greater mental, physical and spiritual power. Consuming plant energy formed through photosynthesis facilitates this process. Listening to harmonious music of plants is another high tech way to raise our vibration. Recall photo-synthesis is light-synthesis. We use light to synthesize, or combine, something that is into something new. We can use sunlight to create not only energy, but also new forms of consciousness. It can be a potent catalyst for our physiological and spiritual evolution. Imagine your conscious interaction with this magnificent being also spawns new expressions of life within the Sun itself. Meditating on the sun facilitates deeper remembering. Simply calm abiding. This is being in heart energy. The mind is trying to make you into a spiritual doer. Let go of thoughts. Refrain from engaging. Simply pay attention to natural being. As thoughts enter awareness, let the chatter go on. Do not pick up any thought to do something. Allow self to recognize being aware. Simply be one with natural sense of being. The Sun arises within and it seems revolutionary. You do not settle down noise of the mind. It simply dissipates without attention. Beyond superficial changes in appearanceNothing is simply here.