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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in sun (12)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Hugging the Sun

(Image: Adam Kadmon Body)


I was hugging the Sun in a furniture store. It was very disorienting. What is this about? 


A dream may be viewed from our own dominant level of conscious awareness. On one level, the sun may refer to a pillow on a piece of furniture, a source of comfort in the 3D world. Once you embrace your value, talents and strengths, it neutralizes when others think less of or judge you.

On another level, the sun metaphorically embodies many spiritual properties that lead to degrees of awakening, completion and enlightenment. In many cases, this major shift still remains unconscious to the dreamer. The dream sun in encourages us to look inward as opposed to the outer world. To feel disoriented suggests confusion or indecision or self-doubt about some key life area.

The 'Great Central Sun' refers to the sun of the inner heart often missed or completely forgotten. Pay attention to the time of day the dream is taking place. The state or level of Sun mean something is ending, and/or also beginning.

Furniture is often symbolic of ideas you 'rest upon' or believe in.  Letting go of ideas we outgrow is a healthy was to sell or give away 'old furniture.' Reflect on your experience and interaction with different kinds of furniture. For instance, does it have legs or wheels? Is it stationary? Malleable? Is it something you can now do without?

Hugging echoes love and compassion, as wella s a readiness to help yourself and/or another. In another way, you may be in the process of hugging or embracing your own journey deeper into the unknown.

A dream store is often a physical space or building that reflects our state of mind. Reflect on the details of the area- was it tidy?, cluttered?, well-organized? Logical? Shutting down? Financially stable? How would you describe it? Dreams invite us to create awareness of our bodily state, free from any narrative of it being “good” or “bad.”  of curiosity and exploration: “This is a bodily feeling.  It is one I am feeling-this is what it feels like.”

Without this sense of awareness, we often create narratives around our negative feelings that involve blame. We blame ourselves or those close to us for making us feel bad. A loved one or the environment we’re in may inadvertently trigger us, which can lead our body and brain to believe that the person, place, or physical thing is the problem. This creates real interpersonal problems and perpetuates conflict. It can also cause a bias toward negativity in all our interactions, as we look for someone to blame for our bad feelings.

In truth, blame is a coping strategy. But as a coping strategy, it is both easy to fall back on and highly ineffective. To be fully aware of our bodily feelings can guide us to experience these feelings outside the context of blame and, hopefully, understand what may actually be triggering them. This deepens the journey inward.

To make reference to the Tree of Life and Kabbalah, the Ein Sof conceived the general plan of Creation (Adam Kadmon). This general plan contains all the details that had happened in the past, the details happening in the present, and those which will happen in the future. Here time is not a factor. The Adam Kadmon or Primal Man is the general plan of the universe symbolized by the Tree of Life. All universes, from the upper to the lower, are within this general plan. The Keter of  Adam Kadmon is the plan itself; the Chokhmah of Adam Kadmon is the universe of Atziluth (Emanation); the Binah of Adam Kadmon is the universe of Briah, (Creation); the six lower dimensions of Adam Kadmon are the universe of Yetzirah (Formation) and Malkuth of  Adam Kadmon is the universe of Assiah (Action or Materialization).  Adam Kadmon contains all info that Ein Sof or Infinite entail.  

Silence is required to move beyond structures of unconscious influence.  Silence is non-dula and wholesome. To allow thoughts and feelings go by without personal identification is essential.  One cannot see oneself clearly if one cannot see who one is in the present moment.  Clarity sprouts with non-jugemental awareness of oneself.  Attention to oneself moment-by-monet changes one's reaction to the world one projects.  What one is cannot be affected by temporal states of memory.

Among our Individual Services, we offer Dream Consultations  for single and multipole dreams we put in context as well as offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for more information.


Love is a timeless teacher

Notice some people believe love is simply an emotion that keeps people bonded and committed. Awareness echoes love is more. Uplifting feelings, a deep sense of care, connection and commitment awaken something deeper. One might say everything points to a love beyond boundaries, beyond the known and unknown. Even that which evokes discomfort and resistance is guiding us to surrender to what is greater than self.
As Kahlil Gibran echoes, "when love beckons, we follow him." The brave are willing to travel high and low, to endure and grow from whatever presents. The winding journey is guiding one home.
Something within invites us to trust or have faith in what love represents, in all its disguises, shapes and forms. At different life moments, dreams may be shattered. This can be love in action And even as we fall in and out of love, do we realize love invites growth and pruning. All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.
The fearless one knows love is not limited to peace and pleasure. Love gives nothing but itself and takes nothing but itself from itself. Love possesses not and cannot be owned. Love is enough in and of itself. Only ego thinks it can direct the course of love. If love finds one worthy, love actually directs one's winding course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself. This takes shape in the flowing river, the sun beaming down on the Earth, the wind that blows through the forests, plains and deserts. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own under-standing of love. And to bleed willingly and joyfully. Every moment is another opportunity to love and be loved, to be grateful for another day of loving. Meditate on love’s ecstasy.
To exist and move through life with a grateful heart is to sleep with a prayer of love for one's beloved and all beings in th heart. So love is everything and nothing, flowing in all directions and all dimensions right now. How and to what extent we are open to it, begins and ends within our unique being. This is the path of love, to love, back to love, from hence we came and never actually left.

Rise from the Ashes

Notice that after powerful experiences shake you up, life cannot return to the previous "normal". Yet, as we can see beyond the painful processes and the nature of our attachment, we move forward through fire, into the next chapter of our lives. In the case of conflict, heartbreak or crumbling relationships, we gain valuable insights into ourselves that could not arise any other way. As Rumi echoes, 'the wound is the place where light enters.' Our assumed loss of love guides us to realize we are each source of love eternal. This does arise outside. Deepening self-love is the journey inward. As we rise above our fears like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we can continue to grow and accept people as they are, leave or move on as part of a soul journey. We see nature of disconnection clearer as we grow more connected to ourselves, grow aware of who we are. It is about consciously allowing the fire element to burn away negative beliefs we outgrow. As we sense fire with awareness and attention to inner balance, our lives bloom in new directions fuelled by an incredible lightness of being, feeling stronger, igniting a spark.
What beckons to be let go or burnt away in your life to make room for new growth? Identify a belief or a situation you used to prop up your false identity. As awakening occurs, revelations or truths surface. Brutal honesty is required at this stage of soul evolution. Allow the metaphorical fire to do its job, leaving you free to blossom into the warmth of the sunlight and whatever expansion reveals.



Cosmic energies guide inner change 

Notice the recent "extended" lunar eclipse and ongoing celestial events reflect an intensifying energetic process. If the Sun seems more intense or you feel disoriented, this echoes spiraling telluric energy. This electrical Earth current typically moves underground or through the sea. Humans are moving into greater resonance with Earth shifts. In our optimum functioning, when endocrine and other dormant systems are fully activated, we are in complete alignment with Earth and Cosmic energetic shifts. This energy is spinning us into a much lighter body and pulling us up into higher frequency bands. It is allowing us to receive, decode and transmit more light. You may find you experience a mixing of the senses or symptoms of what may be described as synesthesia. Some of us have exprienced this for a long time. It is a symptom of expanding consciousness. This is happening at cellular, DNA, and deeply into every atom, molecule and electron in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Energy waves are accelerating our transformation and transmutation of light. This is mirrored in the pace at which changes are unfolding in our own lives. It translates into a sense of urgency or nudge to make life changes we are meaning make.


Why Intuition is the key

Notice our intuition connects us to our origins. We all have dreams that are not simply dreams. They are vibrational guides and parallel realities. We are all “pieces” of the same puzzle. Our intuition will always recognize that “peace” is knowing that All is Love and you are one with Love. The purest form of Love is accessible inside. “Peace” is knowing. It is knowing a place inside where Light shines the brightest. Following the path illuminated by your brightest light will always lead to Inner Peace. The light within connects each of us with dragons. From a galactic view, the dragon body is seen as a new “form-kind” as it was made partially of light body (similar to 4D “spirits” but made of glowing, radiant light similar to our sun) and partially of matter. This design enabled dragons to know touch, relationship, and the appropriate use of power. Power is feared and often misunderstood by humans, most specifically since power has been hugely misused and humans have fallen victim to its abuse. The true definition of power is the ability to manage and direct intense, consolidated light to create, communicate, or direct manifestation. It is the Mastery of Light. Self-mastery is Inner Light- Mastery. Dragons are Light Masters. Once individuals enter the Realm of Peace, (gaining self-matery over desire and impulse) access to directing light energy is unlimited based on compatibility with the frequency of power. Light energy grows accessible to those who are compatible with its energy field. Power, or the ability to manage and direct energy, is accessible to those whose frequency has reached a point of harmonic evolutionary atonement. This is a key principle within the Peace Realm. This amazing power brings the responsibility to direct energy only toward compatible resonant energy fields. Technically, a Light Master has the ability to direct light anywhere, and this is a pretty incredible sense of power. Imagine the analogy that you are the sun. The sun is able to direct its Light energy toward planets that depend on its energy to survive. Were the sun to stop shining, life in many worlds and for many species would end. Likewise, a more directed and stronger flow of light energy could scorch the entire solar system. This is an enormous amount of power, so mastering one’s energy is essential. This ability to direct light through peaceful, balanced intent has curiously turned into the folklore that dragons spew flames from their mouths. Some suns are actually dragons, and some suns, like ours, are dragons in training. To become a full-fledged dragon, (sun or cosmic star) one must successfully complete an “initiation.” An important component of initiation is mastery of intuition. Intuition comes from “in-to-(I),” which is ultimately where all answers and true guidance reside. Intuition referred to as the reptilian brain because this is where the purest light is found. “Reptilian” is one term for Light Receptacle or Carrier of Light. Reptilians are our ancestors because, of course, each of us is born of Light, made of Light, and into Light we shall return. After birth of individuality in Light, one of the earliest vehicles/forms was called “Reptilian”—a mixture of form and non-form; part ethereal, part matter. The reptilian vehicle was a quasi-light body form into which many individual essences were born to experience their first incarnation. When Earth was formed by Space and Time, we knew the experimental nature of the project and the game element of design. One Truth well-known to all of us is that no essence can ever be cut off from the Truth (one’s Soul). The Truth of who you are, what you are made of, and from where you originate are Macroversal imprints that can never be erased. It is not possible to separate you from the Truth. Earth's creation was a project intended to test this concept and see if environmental circumstances (the altering of sensory perceptions) could block ability to remember. This was an experiment, or so we thought before learning of the secretive implantation of the Ego-virus into human DNA. Now although this violated all Macroversal principles and injured many participants, we did learn a great lesson: although one can be separated from intuition, the Truth connection is never lost. Intuition will always light our way as true nature in unchangeable. The more we trust ourselves, the more we listen to intuition as truest guiding Light.