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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in present (17)


You are remembering

Right now, you are remembering more.  You are sifting through what you are not and awakening to what you are.  You recognize the witness because you know this is you.  The witness of mind tells you the mind is not you.  You are the light that shines its focus on perception of events.  The light intercepts and interprets glimpses of vibration.  You are the essence of being and non-being.  When you feel emotions or inclinations that seem out of character, you may sense an interdimensional bleedthrough of other aspects of yourself.  The essence of being is in more than one place now.  Dimensions are layered.  You are integrating past/future aspects of you.


Find your own way

From this moment, you are conscious of certain choices and life conditions that stagnate. As you stop thinking, you begin to notice what the physical senses miss.  You feel what comes naturally.  The indescribable draws attention to awareness of cells.  They invite you to find your own way, to listen more closely to better understand what is unfolding within you.

As you attune more closely, you hear an uplifting voice within offer new solutions to issues the mind imagines into being. Inner sources of inspiration are forever accessible.  They guide you to awaken, to accelerate momentum and to expand beyond measure. Notice how it seves you to explore thoughts, the power of word and behaviour. As you choose to shift focus away from your unlimited being now, you appreciate the process that enables you to feel the power of emotions.  Recall how to release resistance.  Come back to full awareness of a bigger reality.


Its all right on schedule

Notice if you focus on the world of where you have been or if you are on the trail to where you are going.  Listen to people who ask you questions about past or future.  Notice your answers.  Be aware of how often you ground yourself anywhere other than 'here and now.' 

Realize that to say things like, "its in the pipeline," and, "everything is unfolding as it should," shifts your  focus away from past and future back to now.  By confirming in thought, word or behaviour that something is not yet in your experience, you deny what already is.  Feel your way to the brightest possible outcome.  Align with what is already yours.  Feel joyful and satisfied no matter what your physical reality. Your chosen path does not matter.  What you choose to learn or unlearn from it does.  The authentic you exists beyond all paths.


Write the History of your future

Every moment, we think and create a time-space reality that comes into being.  Many realities exist that you do not choose to experience.  They remain outside your scope of awareness or conscious recognition.  Consider that when you believe strongly in something, you dream about it and convince yourself it exists.  During childhood, this may include fairies, dragons and enchanted beings.  Later in life, your focus tends to shift.  Yet those who believe in fairytales at any age recognize capacity to experience them on their terms.

Even now, as you reconnect with the love you are, you recall you exist in a world dependent only on how you consciously feel.  Nothing affects your feelings unless you choose.  As you reach that place where you gain control of how you feel, you can imagine and allow yourself to make choices to deliberately write the history of your future.  In other words, you have the capacity to transcribe a vision, focus your attention and work backwards as a timetraveller. Feel it into being. Give it a go. Know it works already. Look back on what has unfolded and then align with feelings you associate with the result. As a modern magician, you create your own future in this present moment.  Feelings tell you they are one in the same.


Release the barriers

You need not coerce anything or anyone into place. Let the truth and opportunities reveal themselves. Choose to feel what it means to be present in this moment. Know only good things happen. Allow the mind to ponder how all thoughts and emotions draw attention to the meaning of joy. Recognize blessings now. Sense every choice you make is the right one for you. View everything as a sign, as confirmation, you are precisely where you are meant to be. See everyone as a co-creator, empowering you to awaken to the power of compassion. Know you are loved, that you have immeasurable intrinsic value. Regardless what people say or do, this does not alter who you are. The inner judge only distracts you from limitless being.