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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in space (13)


Beyond knowing

As a person detaches from the influence of the physical body and senses, lets go of doing, and moves beyond judging, that person may wonder what remains.  To release your grounding in time and space leaves you to feel as if objects and circumstances disappear.  To let go of assumptions, expectations and knowing, is to feel that even the knower ceases being.  Awareness reveals possibilities that defy words.


Silence offers answers

The ego exists through comparison.  When you introduce polarity, you bring opposition into being.  That which is not is purely imagined and can be shaped and corrupted. That which is remains untouchable, indescribable and unfathomable, and is what exists beyond the mind.

Consider a man who shares his sense of identity.  His ego grounds his judgment in what mind conceives and accepts.  He speaks of what he thinks he is and what he believes he is not.  He limits his scope of awareness to his familiar five senses.

Imagine one with no sense of self. As the ego disappears from view, one has no substance. One is only pure space. Hindrances are not perceived. Thought does not exist here. Insults have no effect when thrown at someone who is truly at peace in silence. Such sounds are not even heard. Notice if your focus of attention is not on a tree, you cannot hear it fall. So, you sense silence when not looking, listening or doing, but being. Silence is transparent by nature.


Where do you go from here?

It is human conditioned nature to pinpoint a linear path, to orient the self using time and space and get bearings.  One perspective would say such action actually distracts you from present awareness.  Some people use the mind and others feel with the heart.

Consider how you respond as you realize that no words can describe it, no example or analogy can identify it.  To sense where you are is not deluded or hidden except by something within.  To sense the implications of no limits suggests where you are and how you truly feel does not fit into any category. Progressive revelations are all part of your growing awareness of true Cosmic Synchronicity

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