10 Gems about Nausea

It’s tempting to assume that nausea stems from physical food or drink we consume (or not). Truth is, it’s rarely that simple. Additional perspectives exist. Consider 10 insightful gems about nausea:
1. In Chinese Medicine, nausea is ‘rebellious stomach Qi’; energy is flowing in the wrong (unnatural) way. Ask why that might be?
2. Key stomach functions include processing of physical matter, emotional and other energy. The non-physical is often overlooked.
3. Nausea is a symptom of resistance; it echoes- ‘I am unwillig to process or face what’s going on... ‘
4. This is a nervous system response to what we find challenging. Our body wants to keep us safe. When in fear, the body goes into fight or flight, cannot digest, stays on-edge, and vigilant.
5. Growing up with a stressed parent or carer, implies we pick up on fear vibrations. This can create digestive problems as an adult.
6. Nausea is a pointer ; your body is feeling unsafe, or feels things are out of control. It might arise around certain people or conditions. At a deeper level, nausea arises to reflect feeling disempowered, or inability to assert personal power.
7. The state and Ph of stomach echoes how true you are to yourself. The meridian stretches from the eye to the second toe. It sits at the front of you. It knows and speaks your boundaries.
8. Anyone who crosses your boundaries makes you want to rebel, and resist. But without a ‘strong stomach’ a conflict arises about how safe it is to do it. Nausea here is a symptom that echoes inner conflict.
9. Nausea arises when we are rejecting an idea or an experience that feels right in the heart.
10. Nausea may also arise as part of the kundalini process when one is no ready to handle or integrate incoming energies. The movement of such energy is guided and not meant to be rushed.