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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in safety (5)


10 Gems about Nausea

It’s tempting to assume that nausea stems from physical food or drink we consume (or not). Truth is, it’s rarely that simple. Additional perspectives exist. Consider 10 insightful gems about nausea:

1. In Chinese Medicine, nausea is ‘rebellious stomach Qi’; energy is flowing in the wrong (unnatural) way.  Ask why that might be?

2. Key stomach functions include processing of physical matter, emotional and other energy.  The non-physical is often overlooked.

3. Nausea is a symptom of resistance; it echoes- ‘I am unwillig to process or face what’s going on... ‘

4. This is a nervous system response to what we find challenging. Our body wants to keep us safe. When in fear, the body goes into fight or flight, cannot digest, stays on-edge, and vigilant.

5. Growing up with a stressed parent or carer, implies we pick up on fear vibrations. This can create digestive problems as an adult. 

6. Nausea is a pointer ; your body is feeling unsafe, or feels things are out of control. It might arise around certain people or conditions.  At a deeper level, nausea arises to reflect feeling disempowered, or inability to assert personal power. 

7. The state and Ph of stomach echoes how true you are to yourself.  The meridian stretches from the eye to the second toe. It sits at the front of you. It knows and speaks your boundaries. 

8. Anyone who crosses your boundaries makes you want to rebel, and resist. But without a ‘strong stomach’ a conflict arises about how safe it is to do it. Nausea here is a symptom that echoes inner conflict.

9. Nausea arises when we are rejecting an idea or an experience that feels right in the heart.

10. Nausea may also arise as part of the kundalini process when one is no ready to handle or integrate incoming energies. The movement of such energy is guided and not meant to be rushed.


5 Tips to Live More Fully

Consider 5 Tips to Live more fully. 
1. Be true to yourself 
What you the most pressing issues in your life? Safety and survival are key.  Live a life that aligns with your own values, dreams, rather than trying to put up appearances or meet the expectations of others. Embrace your authenticity and follow a heartfelt path.
2. Prioritize what truly matters
How long have you been enduring key challenges? Perhaps long enough? Now is the moment to make new choices.  Stop getting caught up in appearances, pursuit of material things or societal notions of success. Instead, focus on relationship with self, what brings joy, love, and fulfillment.
3. Express your feelings
What are you working to resolve? How have choices so far been working out for you?  Do not suppress your emotions or keep your thoughts and feelings hidden. Practice honest and open communication, expressing your emotions and needs in a respectful manner. This can lead to deeper connections and more meaningful relationships or, simply guides you out of a situation that may not be good for your soul and overall well-being.
4. Cultivate friendships
Make time for your friends and nurture those relationships. Prioritize human connection and invest in meaningful connections that bring support, joy, and shared experiences.  Value interconnectedness.
5. Choose joy
Allow yourself to experience joy and happiness. Don't postpone happiness for some unknown time or wait for external circumstances to dictate your well-being. Find joy in the present moment and actively seek out activities and experiences that bring you happiness. Remind yourself you create your conditions and can change thoughts as well as circumstances. Many underestimate the power of intentiom. 

Shift focus and vibration

Notice what it feels like to accept this moment exactly as it is. It enriches awareness to see the impact of one's own split mind. Polarities co-exist and both require addressing. We cannot take credit for only the positive perceptions without also being responsible for the negative. Many egos and superegos co-exist with conflicting drives to act out tension, intention and attitudes. Delusion and fantasy feed a common urge to get rid of ego when neither ego/ supergo exist. Like: if "I" could only do this without feeling bad, it would be okay. False beliefs and restlessness persist when a robotic system is in charge. This drives one split self into many inner conflicts and postpones inner peace.
To the ego, what it wants is unattainable, yet it continues striving. Its real self that doesn't want any of that, is also unattainable. A depersonalisation process is the only way to be real. Ego must die for real self to emerge from behind the screen of projections. They take up space and most of our attention. Real self is empty background. The ego believes it is a real self in a real world and that time is real. Layers of illusion may have one feeling trapped.
To get beyond the Matrix (trap), the unreality of the ego belief system has to be completely dissolved. Only then can the vast emptiness be realized. Its not simply emptiness, but intelligence without narrative or preconceived ideas, without a context, paradigm, that shapes one's way of being. One must detach, distance self from everything until one knows one is nothing but pure presence. Only then can one fully engage and connect on a whole new level. Only then can unborn intelligence emerge to consciously operate the body without desire, fear, belief in a body or existence of an "external". All of this functions from the intelligence that is producing the illusion. Everything happens perfectly without glitches. Everything that arises in one's scope comes in perfect timing and sequence, to guide the unravelling.
Apparent glitches in the Matrix simply point to residue of samskara that produce a positive self image. One has to bring it into the nothingness so preconceptions no longer superimpose in your life that actually act instead of the real self. Complete reprogramming cannot arise in the mind. As Einstein says “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it."
On an energetic level, emotions play out in the first 3 assemblage points to give ego an identity, and safety valve for its otherwise explosive energies (often xpressed as "I will die or kill"). At the third assemblage point, energy can be harnessed into a more creative direction. Yet, this is only partial sublimation of intense energies. Unused energy is continually produced anf released. The first 3 assemblage points depend on "the other" and are never contented with 'oneself' or 'other.' Those energies must be released in dreams, art or negative actions.
As it is, only soul-level discernment brings recognition of the thinking capacity from a truly different point of awareness. You can think, feel and process reality, but when grounded in the first three assemblage points, you are engaging the imagination and not yet in the symbolic. They produce only emotional charges, reactions, desires, fears to act out, not capacity to sublimate consciousness to the source of the intellect and the ability to think clearly. Shifts in consciousness shift vibrational state of being and sense of reality.



Stop Playing it Safe

(Visual Art Bill Brouard- @ Visual Alchemy)

Notice what happens as you stop playing it safe, when all of a sudden, something awakens within you that recognizes you are the one that has been holding yourself back. Its the illusion of fear and conditioned assumptions in the mind that keep us feeling small, powerless or stuck. This revelation is the pivotal moment of finally reclaiming inner power, consciously shifting to focus purely on Soul direction and destiny. Trusting intuition allows energy to flow more freely, can involve abruptly letting go of apparent commitments and aspects of life that previously defined you. Being spontaneous opens channels of vision within you that continue to dazzle and amaze. Creative streams of inspiration arise as if from nowhere. Life experience shifts again. 


3 Tips to get through rough spots

Every human being is familliar with bumps in the road of life.  These bumps take shape as mental challenges, physical adversity or emotional rollercoasters that involve anger, fear, sadness and grief, shame or intense energies with no labels.  Challenges threaten any facit of your sense of identity; safety, security or stability, mourning (death) or loss of connection.  When ready to step back and see with new eyes and an open heart, reflect on these 5 tips;

1. See everyone as a mirror

Everyone you encounter is inviting you to get intimate with yourself so you understand hidden emotional triggers.  How you respond to people who describe their difficulties (or complain) echoes your relationship with your true self.  Notice what you accept, resist or reject, what evokes self-love or self-loathing. You may hear yourself saying, "what do you mean? I simply wish to offer support or help someone I know going through a rough period in their own life. How do I best do it?" The simple answer is; stop seeing separation between you and other. That is key.

2.  Get grounded

The best way to help others (and yourself) is to help them focus on their bodies and being present to this moment. This is especially useful if you get emotionally triggered by people who focus energy on what perpetuates negativity.  Acknowledge discomfort is part of a process of self-acceptance. It is valuable to shift attention from memories (past) to current situation and blessings in being here.  Grounding helps manage emotional pain because it highlights pain is linked to an emotional memory and has no power to hurt in this moment.  Being here now is a way to reclaim inner power. Pain is physical and suffering is mental.

3. Reconnection

Deepening connection is the ultimate life purpose.  You may assume facing adversity or natural disaster is required to shift priorities, view reality differently. Imagine seeing your stories for what they are, exploring and healing related trauma so it no longer controls your unconscious behaviour or projections.  This invites you to find new meaning or lessons in everyone you meet and every experience you have.  Notice whether you are pro-active or reactive to experience. You can reach a place where you only view problems as a figment of the imagination and watch them miraculously work themselves out.  Watch what happens as you realize any grief or loss you feel is not for a perceived other but a loss of connection with your truest self.  Reconnecting or deepening intimacy with others requires you first get to know yourself, your unconscious patterns and emotions on a very intimate level. Self-mastery is pure freedom.