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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in surrender (44)


Illuminate the mind

Illuminate the mind.  Let go of beliefs.  Surrender completely to what remains.  Begin to realize you have more by detaching than from focusing on the need to acquire. As you shift focus from striving to do more and choose instead to do less, you change your life direction.  Your faith is strong and you no longer need proof. The logic of love expresses itself in selflessness. Being kind to others is a way to be kind to your true self.


Something shines through

At some point, surrender happens.  Look beyond words to align with your eternal being.  They all point toward the same thing.  Something shines through the personal dimension that causes identity to give way.  The degree to which you identify with form determines the level of form and transition you experience.  To go into the deep stillness, you realize who you are, which is formless consciousness. Regardless of your chosen field or endeavour in physical life, you continue to be that which you are beyond body and mind.


Each path is equally noble

While in the process of awakening, you may question which choices are more noble.  As you move beyond the inner judge, you realize that all paths have consequences, much like every cause has an effect.  No experience is actually better than any other.  Each one simply offers its own insight about being a master. 

Imagine that you are always being nudged to accept the mastery within. Whenever you ponder your destiny, you forget that at a given moment, all choices you make are the right ones.  All feelings you allow to flow are part of a process.  You are invited to open, accept and surrender to the elements of existence.


Share some personal insight

Today, you are invited to share your perspectives on surrender and reverence. What do these concepts mean to you? How do they affect your existence? How do you evolve through them?


Absorb the Warrior's Prayer

No human being can think themselves into surrender. Each person is slowly beginning to step back and witness what is unfolding within and around them. This is a process of entering into mindfulness and moving beyond it. Consider the impact of this soundtrack and poetic message on your energy vibration and soul. How do you choose to respond?