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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in synchronicity (47)


The time is ripe

The time is ripe for triggering revelations within yourself.  Ancient wisdom resurfaces much like inner knowing when humanity and individuals are responsible, receptive to it and ready to work with it on a practical level.   Reflect on what you are willing to receive and integrate it into everyday living.  No such thing as coincidence. No chance encounter, experience or relationship exists.  Be open to synchronicity.  This is one.


Follow your own clues

During pivotal moments, or periods of transition, it is common to reach out for advice about next steps to take. Guidance can be helpful to empower you to get your bearings, to gain confidence in yourself, or even open you up to existing abilities you are not initially aware of.  As you come to trust yourself more, begin to follow your own clues.  Notice what happens:

1) A-ha moments come fast and furious - you no longer have to plan where you are going or what what you are doing next.  Its as if people, places, conditions all present in your life, with perfect timing.  And so it is.   The universe is silently reading your mind without you saying anything.  

2) Questions arising are answered - you regularly find yourself dreaming answers to questions arising in your head.  Its like the inventor comes alive or you ease into the vortex of solutions without doors. The what always comes before the how. A peaceful heart reveals the how.

3) You only see synchronicity - you no longer think about randomness or coincidences.  Phrases like, "small world" or words expressing doubt or sarcasm gently fade from your vocabulary.  You feel every synchronicty is a stepping stone to the next waiting your conscious recognition.


Get out of your mind

The physical mind thinks its in charge and thinks it is supposed to know how everything is supposed to happen.  In truth, the physical mind can only view how things happened (past tense).  It cannot know the how before the process unfolds.  Do yourself a favor.  Stop focusing on how you can make things come about. This is not something physical mind exists to do.  Be awake.  Allow the third eye to guide you. Expand into a wider perspective.

The knowledge of how something is occurring arises in the Higher Self.  It conceives dreams and see things from the highest possible vantage point.  This implies it recognizes connections and pathways the physical mind cannot. The physical brain receives.  The physical personality mind perceives.  Open the lines of communication between the physical mind and the Higher Self.  The third eye is one possible bridge.  It links you to you.

Trust your intuition fully.  Watch for synchronicity and revel in making connections.  Allow yourself to feel the joy that builds momentum.  Being out of your logical mind is highly desirable.  Only then can you see.  Know your intrinsic value.  You recalculate it every moment along with the energy flowing in this universe.


Beyond the tipping point

You notice ageless wisdom through more frequent synchronicities.  You allow self to be guided by intuition.  This means getting more familiar with consciousness and the choice you have to awaken to the game to be here.  The more you allow yourself to be guided by synchronicity, the more you discern the Earth has conscious energy that can be harnessed.  Waves of love awareness flow through you. The gravitational field stands out. 

You move beyond the tipping point.  Revelations are not only shifting your focus, but also shifting how you feel and experience gravity.  If gravity causes one atom to happen, it causes fluid to behave as it does beyond our reality.  Mind energy is harnessed. You have a mind based on spiritual energy and a mind based on the physical energy. Everything comes back to haressing the spin field of gravity and aligning with vibrations of love. 


See the real picture

Every moment, you are in the process of re-emerging into the pure positive energy you are.  Every thought and action is a bridge toward allowing yourself to feel your true versatility.  Imagine that all your actions and situations unfold for you, by you, in perfect synchronicity.  Savor the divine timing of all your own deliberate creation.  You create improved experience as you choose to know you are always in the right place at the right moment.  What is life experience like as you realize all negativity is imagined? 

Consider the perspective that a person never leaves you.  Rather, people fade from your scope of awareness.  Why? They no longer vibrate or resonate at the your frequency.  According to physical perception, some people seem to develop different interests, have no time to return calls, or you imagine they no longer like you. In truth, their energy  no longer aligns with who you project. Consider some people focus on what is missing or leaving and others focus on what is staying and how what is revealed is that which never left.  You line up to see and experience the presence of wanted things or not. Awaken to realize karma is invented by the mind. Revelations serve you.  All that exists is joy within forever.