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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in teeth (2)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Sold the Teeth


It seemed my dream referred to a past life. I lived in Egypt, and wore tattered cotton clothes in faded colours. From my window, I saw sand blowing and pyramids in the distance. I struggled to survive. I even sold my teeth for money.  When awake, I touched my teeth to see if they were there.


To say, "I had a dream..." is very deep.  How do you know?  The answer is simple.  The 'you' who looks through your eyes and sees the outer world is experiencing events occurring in the dream.  Only one conscious being exists.  You are either experiencing the dream world or the waking world.  Note you intuitively use the word "I" when describing the dream events and also when waking up. This reinforces they are one in the same.

We can explore a few symbols that stand out:

Teeth- Teeth are physically used to bite, tear, chew, and gnaw. In this way, teeth symbolize power. So the loss of dream teeth (or removal on purpose) may refer to powerlessness, giving away power or feeling loss of power or influence in waking life. At the moment you recall this dream, you may experience feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some life situation or relationship.  Yet, we are also reminded that each time we lose something, we are gaining something in the process.  It is our focus and level of consciousness that determines how we respond.  ON a literal level, losing teeth implies that you are growing out of one phase (or have outgrown where you are). This is about grounding a new level of consciousness in your body. Embrace change!

In addition, as another way to reframe loss of teeth or what they may be used for: there is a warrior legend about a being who was fighting a God and won, emerged from the ocean wearing a shark tooth. This is why many surfers and divers like to wear this magic piece of jewellery-it symbolizes protection and safety.  When one wears jewellery or a necklace with teeth of one's ancestors or from the mouths of enemies, each tooth is like an embodiement of the deceased, whose power & energy was transferred to the wearer.

Sand- you may associate sleep with the passage of time, impermanence and sleep (or unconscious behaviour). Ask yourself where in your life could you be living with a sense of impatience, what triggers a sense of timelessness, feels like you do not have enough time, how to make the most of the time you are given? You may feel like you have blown into your circumstances or like restlessness and discomfort are out of your control.  What if you refelct on the soruce of the wind and nature of direction in new ways?

Pyramid- a structure with multiple facits and dimensions. It can appear to represent your 'internal architecture', a geometric reminder there is far more to you beneath the surface. You may also sense this 3-D shapes echoes the trinity- mind,body spirit. The pyramid in a dream can embody transformation, interdimensional tral, parallel doorways, that something on the horizon or well-underway. Pharoahs and important people were buried  within or under them as a passage to the "Otherworld" as it is believed something about pyramids holds the key or acts as a path to a higher level of existence. Certainly, further spiritual aspects present, inviting to be explored.

Reference to money is an invitation to ponder your relationship with scarcity and abundance.  Its opportunity to count your blessings, practice appreciation and tune into reasons for peace and contentment often overlooked.

We offer in-depth Dream Consultations for single or multiple dreams, offer dream services as part of coaching & spiritual psychotherapy.  We also offer a Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Dating


Dreams about relationships reflect our sense of well-being and balance.  In some cultures, dating more than one person, even having more than one wife or husband, is common and acceptable.  In other cultures, monogamy is the norm and dating or having relationships with more than one person at once is viewed as unacceptable even grounds for separation or divorce.

So, dating multiple people at the same time can draw attention to indecisiveness, fear of commitment, dishonesty, fear of judgement. Reflect on what authenticity means to you (living in integrity), in relation to someone else's idea of how you should live. You may be ready to take a new level of responsibility in your life, decide what you want, regardless of norms, external advice or previous choices made to appease others. 

Buildings symbolize aspects of our inner architecture, that is, how energy and emotions are flowing through us. When we are undergoing change and transformation, we may dream aspects of our life are under construction (in flux) and link this to specific rooms in our house. To remodel our home reflects the desire for or actual ongoing changes in how we define happiness and fulfillment.

To sense many rooms echos the dreamer is willing to explore the inner self further. Each room in the house may symbolize an aspect of the dreamer’s personality. There may exist some parts of the psyhe the dreamer is reluctant to explore. The dream could echo the dreamer is ready to uncover hidden emotions or thoughts. The desire to grow and expand may be in opposition to feelings of uncertainty, feeling scattered or overwhelmed.

Each room in the house could represent different emotions or psychological states of the dreamer. For example, a cluttered or chaotic room may indicate emotional turmoil, while a serene and well-organized room may reflect inner peace and harmony.  Note the character traits of the different dream characters and how you feel about them. They may each echo an aspect of your psyche. How do you feel about "braces," appearances, judgement of straight or crooked teeth? This points to possible self-rejection.

A house may also echo the dreamer's journey towards integration and wholeness. It suggests the need to embrace and accept all aspects of oneself, recognizing that each room, much like each personality trait, contributes to the overall makeup of the dreamer’s identity.

Among our services, we offer in-depth Dream Consultations which also cover a series of dreams, using dreams as tools for self-discovery.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course. Contact us for further information.