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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in thinking (9)


Allow what is to flow

You may think it is useful to gather as much information as possible on a subject of interest. Notice whether you acknowledge and give yourself fully to your passion, feel guided by one inner voice or teacher, or whether you are driven to obtain training in a number of areas and from a variety of people. How does each choice serve you?

Notice whether you are truly listening to the soul or whether your attention is not truly devoted to who you are. To believe you think you know what is best for yourself is to have faith and actually to harbour doubt about what feels right. To trust is to know. Notice whether you allow what is speaking though the heart to flow. Do you hear?


Sense the universal message

Whatever experience is your focus of the moment, you can discern a universal message.  Notice that as you take the personal context out of what you see, you begin to sense the bigger picture.  You are not what you think.  You are remembering as you feel your way to every answer.  Some people use a process of elimination to reach the crux.  Other people simply stop thinking, doing, resisting and shift focus to being.


Find your own way

From this moment, you are conscious of certain choices and life conditions that stagnate. As you stop thinking, you begin to notice what the physical senses miss.  You feel what comes naturally.  The indescribable draws attention to awareness of cells.  They invite you to find your own way, to listen more closely to better understand what is unfolding within you.

As you attune more closely, you hear an uplifting voice within offer new solutions to issues the mind imagines into being. Inner sources of inspiration are forever accessible.  They guide you to awaken, to accelerate momentum and to expand beyond measure. Notice how it seves you to explore thoughts, the power of word and behaviour. As you choose to shift focus away from your unlimited being now, you appreciate the process that enables you to feel the power of emotions.  Recall how to release resistance.  Come back to full awareness of a bigger reality.


Vanish into everything

As you grow conscious of the present moment, you sense the presence of the present and feel being part of everything.  Imparting information reflects thinking.  While you experience, there is only presence.  This is like vanishing into everything you see.  You no longer witness, describe or use sensory perception to relate to things.  You begin to know how it feels to be things.  The essence of you knows, "I am that."

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