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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in tongue (2)


Cat got your tongue?

If you ever lose your voice, you may hear its a punishment you get because you speak too much. You may also hear its an invitation to listen more closely to what others say or leave unsaid.  You may even ask if this figment of the imagination is a result of overthinking.

Among theories offered, people refer to witches in the Middle Ages.  In this Era, behaviour viewed as a threat to the norm was greatly feared, often misunderstood and declared heresy.  Witches, for instance, were put to death.  If you saw some practice that could identify a witch, its said her cat would "steal" or control your tongue so you couldn't report the sighting.  Some people view this as a myth.  You may also hear a Middle Eastern Tale that says liars had their tongues ripped out and fed to royal cats. Thus, varied unique reasons exist for silence.

As you stop focusing on the external and turn instead to feel heartfelt love, you begin to sense another view on selective speech.  Here, the heart echoes spiritually unconscious messages that the body is sending through physical ailments. If you temporarily lose your voice, the heart is drawing attention to  the fear of speaking up balanced with attention on the bliss of silence.  Who is identifying and decoding your story? Its no accident that the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart in embryonic development.  All answers stick out.


You are only heart

As awakening and revelations about immortality continue, you begin to feel the origin of everything is the heart.  You are a living library.  The heart is not only the source of unconditional love, it is the centre of all knowing.  Even from the earliest point in human conception, everything physical you see as you emerges from the heart. 

As it all comes rushing back, you recall Spirit used to reside inside the heart before ego developed and humanity focused on living through the mind.  The tip of the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart. This is why when you forget things and actually say, "it's on the tip of the tongue.' This is so true. All of this is coming back.  Live in the heart.  A related vibration emerges from consciousness. We are actually flowing through every level of existence in the wink of an eye.