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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in unconsciousness (1)


7 Tips to reverse unconsciousness

As you sense part of you is in the dark, another part of you is already in the light. That is to say only part of you is in a state of unconsciousness. Whenever you choose, you can take steps re-align.  Consider these 7 tips to reverse unconsciousness;

1) Value suffering. Perceived pain is teacher. You is not meant to wish discomfort is over so you can be happy only. Learning presence enables you to feel and gain valuable lessons in perceived grief, loss, sadness and confusion.

2) Open the mind. This does not require you believe in reincarnation. You do not need to die, have a near death experience (NDE) or be abducted by aliens. Regardless of your beliefs, you can recognize something exists other than what you consciously know. As you reach beyond yourself, details present.  You reach deeper awareness in spite of yourself.

3) Shift from intellectual to experiential. As you move from analyzing and seeking to explain to choosing to simply feel, you begin to absorb wisdom in forms other than thoughts and words. You begin to sense the truth does not require legitimacy or respect.  It is not personified.  It has no affiliation.  You move though incomprehensible wisdom, indescribable qualities and yet, reconnect with inner knowing.

4) Notice synchrony. Awareness changes. You sense meaning in events that affirms your progress. Symbols arise where you are to confirm you are on track. Books on particular subjects, billboard images, comments by passing strangers, and diverse physical examples of a subject on your mind.  People you have known for ages makes comments on subjects that attest to your own experience, yet they never mentioned their own related experiences before. You had to be ready.

5) Sense messages of immortality. A higher truth is filling your soul. You may experience glimpses of past lives, encounter higher beings, lose all vision of insecurity. You slowly realize you have nothing to fear.  You are passing through new phases of consciousness.

6) Realize behaviour belies apparent beliefs. To believe in a hereafter is often contradicted by behaviour in the physical world. That is, if only love is real, then why do you buy into other emotions and illusions?

7) Rediscover freedom.  This implies grasping the concept of karma and learning what is required to overcome it. Grace helps you align with your destiny.  Everything is aligning and you are more aware.