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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in vibrational fields (1)


How to detach from it all

As you realize the nature of physical experience, you move deeper into pure consciousness. You detach from mechanisms of control and related paradigms. You move to detach from all vibrational fields and projections to learn to manipulate consciousness differently and detach from drama. 

If you want to understand what is going on, know that fascinating things unfold outside public domains. Imagine quantum physics light years ahead of what you have been taught is real. Beyond basic awarenss of duality and distractions, energy shifts to heighten consciousness beyond the limited mind. Human beings already phase shift and walk through walls. They work with inter-dimensional intelligence.

Part of the process of detaching from distraction involves moving in and out of different paradigms so you become empowered as a more astute observer. People benefit from exploring a range of emotions during a soul journey. Ultimately, no paradigm exists. Nothingness is all there is.

Polarisation of extreme positive or extreme negative is still a paradigm. And yet, in order to grasp different sides to the coin, it is useful to experience some aspects of them. This exercise offers insight into mindsets and cyclical structures as you are also given opportunities to detatch and to give up judging.