How to incorporate nothing?

People sense incredible changes are ongoing and also unfolding beneath their conscious radar. As you bravely choose to identify apparent struggles, you realize you are invited to be at peace with every choice. Yet, are you?
More and more people are realizing that doing, feeling and being nothing is meaningful. Yet, they are also asking, how does one incorporate different levels of nothing into their lives? As you review your behaviour, some already falls away. What does it require to reframe nothing where you are?
1) Stop doing what you always do out of habit.
2) Detect that beliefs & opinions are out of place.
3) Notice power in being unemotional & impartial.
4) Dissolve any mindset that creates a struggle.
5) Recogize human-perceived time is irrelevant.
6) Understand who you meet helps or hinders you.
7) Pinpoint your level of self-control or how to find it.
8) Accept responsibility for how you think & feel now.
9) Realize you create struggle & can also transcend it.
10) Feel how adversity reinforces inner peace & stability.
11) Sense balance flows through he who feels balance.
12) Choose to be non-confrontational & non-resistant.
13) Visualize moving into unconditional self-acceptance.
14) Love everyone & sense you need not grasp everything.
15) Know you never miss anything you are willing to accept.