Tap into life-restoring power

Many people are familliar with the phrase, you are the Answer you seek. Yet, what does this look and feel like in practice? It may involve clarifying your ideal client, adding detail to a life vision, company manifesto, short-term goals, or deciding what kind of legacy to create and leave.
At this stage, you may be in the brainstorming phase or encountering shifts and changes to original plans. This can lead to asking yourself for ways to access new energy and inspiration. Choosing to work with me can accelerate your process and trigger new revelations. Ponder these five tips to tap into life-restoring power:
1. Stretch yourself
You grow and gain from what you do not know, not from living as if you already know.
Recall Anthony Robbins who echoes: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Stretching yourself is about trusting intuition. Its about no longer saying "I can't" but identifying core beliefs which translate into resistance, fear and low self-worth that block the dream.
2. Listen differently
Its common practice to listen with the intend to reply wrather thatn with the intention to understand. Watch your perception and reality shift as you repeatedly ask, what opportunity or lesson is this encounter bringing me? If you do not listen or hear yourself, you do not do this effectively with others.
3. Empathize
This is about getting into another person's shoes or situation, discovering what that person feels. Allow yourself to move beyond fear of vulnerability and sympathy to truly feel the connection or intimacy you seek. A difference exist between imagining emotions and opening yourself to feel.
4. Be Committed
Decide that to achieve a specific role brings dignity and self-respect. You could have many flames in the fire yet which one(s) are actually extensions of your passion, core values and bring you fountains of joy?
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. -Vince Lombardi
5. Value your Independence & Uniqueness
This is meant to take shape financially, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and on othe levels as part of achieving inner balance. The more you love yourself, the easier it is to see that your entire life is pointing to the state of your self-worth. Make the unconscious conscious and the bare Truth is revealed.